Megaman: Megaman x Reader Memory Error

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Whenever your friends with someone, your hearts are connected. When your friends with someone, you both can get through anything. If your friends with someone, shouldn't they be able to remember you after a long time? or something bad happens to their memory? 

You didn't know how it happened, All you knew was that your best friend and Crush got severely hurt during the last battle and was knocked out. All you saw of Megaman was when Masterhand was racing through the halls bringing him to Samus's room, When he passed you, You saw Megaman pretty busted up and his helmet was really dented towards his head. You feared for Megaman, so you sat outside Samus's room waiting for her to come get you after she shooed you out earlier. 

"Y/n, could you please come in?" Samus asked looking down at you from her door. You nodded, standing up and walking into her room where Megaman also known as Rock laid there with his eyes closed. 

"Samus, how is he?" You asked Samus who wasn't in her suit right now, She fixed her ponytail before speaking. 

"When he came in here, several systems inside him were pretty busted up, I did my best to fix them to the best of my abilities." Samus said pressing a button

At that moment, Rock's eyes opened up and his eyes glowed which meant his systems were turning on. You smiled at this, he was okay. His blue glow turned off revealing his blue irises again, he sat up moving his hands making sure they function correctly. He looked around the room a little bit, facing Samus with a smile on his face. 

"Thank you Samus, I was pretty busted up during the battle. Thanks for fixing me." Rock said still facing her. 

"Rock! I'm so glad your okay!" You said hugging him expecting him to hug you back but he didn't. "Rock?" You asked letting go of him looking at him with a concerned expression and he looked at you with a confused look. 

Than he said something that broke your heart in two. 

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Rock asked looking at you. You did your best to hide your tears from him because him being Rock would want to know what happen. But it hurt, to know that the one you loved and your best friend has forgotten about you. You began to become desperate for him to remember. 

"Yeah! It's me Y/n!" You said slightly pleading for him to remember. He shook his head before looking at you with a very sad look. He knew you were upset but he didn't know why if he didn't know you........right?

"I'm sorry, Y/n but I don't know you..." He turned around and faced Samus. "Samus, thank you for all the things you have done to me, Have a nice day Samus and Y/n." He said before he walked out of the room. 

Your knees couldn't take it anymore, so you fell on your knees and begin to bawl. Tears were flowing out of your eyes, you couldn't take it. He was your best friend! You felt arms wrap around you and saw Samus. She felt VERY sorry for you, she knew you had feelings for the robot and she knew you were in pain. 

"I'm so sorry Y/n... I'm sorry for what you are going through right now... Come on, Lets go get some ice cream with the girls."Samus said pulling you up to your feet before grabbing your had and guiding you out of her room. 

As you and Samus walked down the halls, Link and Mario noticed you crying. So they decided to tell Megaman you were upset and needed comfort. The two men nodded at eachother before going off to find Megaman. When they found Megaman he was talking to Pit. 

"Megaman!" Link called out. Megaman turned around and smiled at the two running towards him.

 "Hello Mario and Link! Whats going on guys?" Megaman asked giving them a smile. "Not to good..." Mario said. Megaman's ears perked up. "Why? What happened?" Megaman asked. 

"Well, We saw Y/n crying in the halls a little bit ago." Link said. "Y/n? . . . Oh you mean that one girl I met earliar!" Megaman said. 

"WHAT?!" Pit, Link and Mario shouted together in confusion. "Huh? What's wrong?" Megaman asked confused why they reacted like that. "Megaman, if your playing a prank on us. It's NOT funny." Mario said. 

"Prank? No no no! I'm serious!" Megaman said shocked they would think that. The three boys were shock, he wasn't joking. "Have a good day Megaman, I need to talk to Pit and Link." Mario said before he left with the boys following after him. Megaman stood there confused. "Did I do something wrong?" 

Mean while at the Ice Cream Shop

"That's terrible Y/n!" Peach said giving you a sad look before taking another bite of her peach flavored ice cream. 

"Poor Y/n..." Lucina said sadly giving you a hug while you held Rosalina's Luma in your arms. 

"I'm sure He will remember soon." Rosalina said giving you a hopeful smile. 

"I'm sure he will too, please take a bite of your ice cream, it's melting." Zelda said. 

"Oh, Sorry," You said taking a bite out of your favorite ice cream flavor. You still had a fear tears in your eyes. 

Palutena used a napkin and wiped the last few tears away giving you a little kiss on the cheek. "Pit would always stay positive, he tells everyone to be upbeat upbeat upbeat!" Palutena said. 

"Yeah, so stay positive." Samus said. 

"Yeah........" You said. 

6:00 outside of the brawl mansion 

You sat outside watching the sunset, alone. Your h/c flocks dancing in the wind, You had tears in your eyes remembering all the times You and Megaman hung out together, watching the sunset, teasing each other, rolling down the hills. You wished the Megaman would remembered you. At that time a blue boot crunched the grass behind you. 

You closed your eyes and began to whimper slightly, you had given up hope and you didn't notice someone sitting next to you staring at you with a sad look. They hated to see you this way.... He lifted his blue gloved hand and set it on one of yours. 

You opened your eyes, and turned around seeing Rock looking at you with a sad smile. He had his helmet off making his blackish brownish hair flow in the air, seeing him reminded you that he had forgotten about you. Why was he here? 

You turned around not wanting to face him, removing your hand from his. A moment of silence went by when a hand carefully grasp your cheek, turning your face towards Rock. You didn't know what was happening until you felt some pressure on your lips.

Your eyes grew wide when you realized Rock was kissing you! Tears began to fall out of your eyes when Rock pulled you closer to him stroking your cheek softly using his thumb to wipe your tears away. You closed your eyes bringing a hand up to his hand and placing yours on top of his.  Rock's other hand came up and started to play with your hair loving the feeling of it. 

However, your lack of air made you pull away making you gasp for some breathes before Rock pulled you into another kiss it was shorter than before but it still hold all of Rock's love in it. He pulled away just far enough to have your noses touching each others. 

"I remember you Y/n......and I love you..... I always had..." Rock said nuzzling your nose a little bit before he started to stare at your lips. 

You smiled at Rock sweetly. "I love yo- MMFPH!!!" You were interrupted when Rock's lips crashed onto yours again kissing you passionately again. You broke the kiss. 

"Let me finish next time." You said. 

Rock just nodded before pulling you onto his lap wrapping his arms in front of you before looking at the sunset together, you rested your head on his chest falling asleep. By the time It was 8 he took you inside, tucked you in bed and wrapping his arms around you.

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