when love come alive

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Chapter 2

In the US

"Arav are you ready for school!"

" Yes mama." Yelled the seven year old boy. "Okay we'll leave in a few minutes."

"What the?" Said the boy. "I though you were ready mama."

" Yes Arav I'll be just there I just need to finish this."

" Unbelievable" Arav  muttered. Khushi laugh "you know you talk like your father when you get angry." She stop laughing as soon as she realized what she had said. She had try to stop thinking about Arnav but Arav was a perfect copy of him.

Arav could see it in his mother face that she missed his father but that just get him angry for what his father did to his mother he did not have the right to be missed by her. Khushi saw the angry in Arav face and seeing it in his father she know he soon explode "Arav shall we go no?" She quickly said and he clam down and nodded. Khushi lift India to America after she found out she was pregnant seven years back. She felt bad about not tilling Arnav but she though that it was best for him not to have ties with her. But she still have one person back home to talk to. She still kept in tough with Payal and was so happy to find out about her nephew 4 years ago and how she get to name him as she always wanted to do for her sister ever since they were kids but Payal never get to name her son because she didn't want anyone back home to now about  her pregnancy not even Payal.

*Buzz buzz buzz*

Khushi thoughts were broken when her phone rang. "Jiji. Jiji is everything okay way are you crying did something happen to jeeju or Meesh till me!!"

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