Wallflower Of The Water

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Wallflower, that's the word. The word I have been searching to define myself. Wallflower, do not confuse that with a wildflower. A wallflower isn't exciting, unique, funny, or special in anyway. It's sort of just there, on the side lines. There just to show who is out going. Telling whether or not a person is one is simple. Or at least it's suppose to be. Dedo is anything but crazy, it's peaceful. Utterly peaceful. No war, fights, crime, or anything anarchy type. It's I'm completely and utterly peaceful. Yoshi and Golla are opposites, the complete opposites. If there where to be one more on either side the opposite would sase to be there. Yoshi and Golla come from a time before Peace. They where from, born and raised in Anarchy. That's what they grew up in. Yoshi was always bright, warm, hot, and had a certain fire in his eyes. A young girl named Yoshi was the first to be differently born in the relm of Darkness. According to the legend when he was first brought in to the world he had no opposite to control. Dedo was engulfed in heat and flames. Nothing was opposite so the fire took over. After twenty years in school we refer to that period as the Heat. Due to the constant fires that appeared. After this a young man Golla who brought a new view, a view of cold, frozen life, with no difference. Golla didn't over power Yoshi, they were opposites and equal.

Dedo, is open, caring, and civil. Golla and Yoshi, though exctict there ways still are there. Despite how easy it may seems it's far from. It takes practice and plenty type of laws for it.

There's laws on food, hydration, reproduction, work, home, families, and laws on your words. It's impossible that this place could never function properly with out saying no, it's almost as if they can't say a sentence with out saying no. It's as hard to image this planet with out all the laws and the unique talents here. You see since Yoshi and Golla where the last to carbon base life forms they mated and when they did each child took after one of their traits. One water and other fire, and to this day it is still this way. I am Prime, and I am the only one who's life is unique.

I didn't know at first, nor did I ask. It seemed strange to ask. No one else was, wouldn't it be strange to do so. Ask why you want to leave the cool water land to head for the heated world. Why instead of wanting to always wear the water chain, you want to leave it sometimes. Why I never feel the rush of ice when I am in love or feel something special. No. Nothing, well not nothing but nothing big. Just not a rush of anything.

I woke up in a panic not a bad one I had a dream I was drowning. Drowning not in water, or air it was like drowning the lungs filled, throat closing, gagging on a substance. Tears running down my puffy red eyes to my chapped dehydrated lips. Corners of the lips twitting back and forth. Hands turning blue from lack of breathing. Knees collapsing me to the floor. That was the strangest thing. The ground. It wasn't natural it was transparent. Nose close to the glass like material. Peering down a face appeared, it was the face of a male. A male with brown hair that leaned forward his hair uncontrolled, his eyes where brown as well. Instead of a reflection in his eyes they where plain with a sparkle of light above his pupil. He was smiling, not a smirk or half smile. It was full big smile, teeth, lips spread as far as a male could.

Moments passed and I was still choking though you didn't hear the gaging of me or the cries. No it was silent, pin dropping, gut sticking silence. My view was in third person, viewing everything slowly. My eyes peering into his. They weren't staring back it was staring in the distance far away staring over me but into me. It was at that moment he talked. Not scared or worried for me he just spoke. "Hello Prime." The face soon fell back leaving me alone drowning to death, then I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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