t w e n t y - ø n e

Start from the beginning

i almost stumbled and fell when he stepped on the back of my foot, but he caught me. "whoops." i turned around and he was smiling his innocent little smile.

" i turned around and he was smiling his innocent little smile

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i couldn't help but stare at it. "you're so cute."

"not that innocent though." i raised an eyebrow and walked to the front of the bus.

"okay guys, we're five minutes away from the hotel. let's not be late to check in." mark shouted and started to drive once again. the only reason he woke us up was to get gas and let us prepare for getting off the bus when we check in. he said that mornings won't always be like this, if a hotel isn't needed and we're staying for one night, we would just sleep in the bus.

josh was eating cereal with a fork and plastic plate. not a bowl, a plate. once the bus started moving, he spilled milk all over tyler and i had to keep myself from laughing, yet i snickered loudly. "one cannot simply do something more wrong." i clutched my stomach from laughing too hard as josh glared at me and sipped his cereal.

"tyler? where did you put my- oh god what happened?" jenna walked in and looked between tyler and josh. tyler had a spill right on his crotch. i laughed even more and josh stood up, slapping tyler's bum on the way, then throwing his "food" away which was next to me. he raised an eyebrow and held my hands.

"if you keep laughing that laugh that keeps me alive i'm gunna have to-"

"do what? give me more hickeys?" i whispered the last word as i cut him off. he shook his head, not in a disagreeing way, and walked away with a playful smirk. i groaned and made my way to my suitcase to change.


josh and tyler we're doing a last minute sound check, since the concert was tonight. i couldn't go to the concert because the hotel said it was "last minute regulation difficulties". but i'll get to see other shows soon.

right after sound check, they'll be staying at the arena. so now, i'm here alone. jenna will be coming later though. i went through my suitcase to check if i had everything, i gasped when i found what i forgot i packed. i put it on and played with the little fluffs on it, laughing. my weird style of clothing makes me happy.

i immediately wanted to show josh. you know, not to tease him or anything. (this isn't a full on pearl-studded thong and bra guys...chill) i grabbed my phone and laid down on the bed, angling the camera to show just a bit of my pastel blue skirt, but mostly the main attraction. i pushed send and smiled. i hope tyler won't see his phone.


some dude was talking about the sound and everything, the same thing people tell us every time at every show. i felt my phone buzz and took it out of my pocket, seeing it was a picture from melanie, i panicked. did she do it again? i unlocked it and choked on air. this is not self harm!

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