"Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, just Harry" She said, noticing how her mum's face fell at the mention of him.

"You've been close with... Harry for a long time, Bella. How come I've never seen him before?" She asked, looking exhausted.

"You've definitely seen him before, I just haven't introduced you guys properly. You've seen him though, he comes over all the time. I'm with him all the time" She explained, opening one of the many boxes that were scattered around the room, searching for the toaster.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Bella" She snapped, her head dropping to rest in her hands. "I mean, this never used to be a problem - when you were young it was actually quite cute, having an imaginary friend and whatnot - but you're almost an adult and it's still not stopped, this is something more than just some imaginary friend-"

"What the fuck?" Bella snapped, her mum glared at her. "Sorry - what the hell are you talking about? Harry isn't imaginary, I see him everyday"

"You see him, sweet. No one else has ever seen him. And if he's around as much as you say he is, it just, it doesn't make sense" Her mum was waving her hands frantically, tears in her eyes.

"I can't just keep pretending that everything is normal when it's not, I'm taking you to get professional help - a doctor is going to give you some medicine, maybe some counselling, I just, I can't deal with all of this, especially not after what happened with your father and I, it's too much for me" She said exasperated, all the while Bella stood with a shocked expression on her face, more than confused about her mum's outburst.

"I don't need to see a professional anything - there's nothing wrong with me" Bella defended, turning on her heel and continuing to look for the toaster.

"I've done the research, Bella" Her mum said, her voice much softer now. "You're showing textbook signs of schizophrenia"

"Don't you listen to a single fucking word she says, Bells" Harry yelled, he was now standing behind her mother, his hands balled in fists by his sides.
"There is nothing wrong with you!"

"There is nothing wrong with me! I'm not going to see anyone!" Bella yelled, slamming her hands onto the kitchen table in front of where her mother sat. "He's right there mum!" She threw her arm up angrily, pointing at where her lifelong best friend stood - his face red with rage.

Her mum didn't even look.

"Sweetie" Her mother said, too calmly. "We're going to get you some help"

"I don't need help!" She screamed as loud as her voice would let her. Harry let out a strangled growl, storming away from the kitchen and up the stairs. Bella ran after him, her head spinning.

"I'm going to pass out, I can't- I think I'm going to pass out" She cried once she'd reached her bedroom.

"No" Harry growled, he had never gotten this angry before and it was scaring Bella. "Bells, listen to me, okay? Really carefully. There is nothing wrong with you, I'm right here, look at me, I'm here with you" He threw his arms up angrily. "She's the crazy one, you need to stay away from her, Bells"

Bella was angry, no she was more than that, she was furious. And confused, God, she was confused.

"I know that right now she's wrong but she's still my mother, Harry, I can't stay away from her" She said slowly, "I can't leave her like this, she's just been through a divorce and I mean look at how she's acting now, I can't leave her by herself"

Harry's smirk was back, he grabbed Bella's face in his hands pulling her close. He looked right in her eyes, his voice scaring her.

"Maybe we could just get rid of her" He said, Bella jumped away from him.

"What do you mean by that?" She cried

"Bells, I don't want to do anything that would make you upset, I don't, but she's going to take you away from me" He said in a pleading tone, "If she takes you to a 'professional' they'll take you away from me, I can't be without you Bells, you're all I have"

Bella didn't want to be without Harry, she truly believed she couldn't be without Harry. All she wanted was to make him happy, the way he made her happy. And she would never do anything that would make Harry upset - and the idea of her going to a professional, the idea of her mum winning this fight, clearly upset him.

"I can't be without you Harry" She told him truthfully, looking into his tired green eyes. She hadn't noticed until now just how dull they looked. He looked exhausted. "I'm not going to let her or anyone seperate us. What do I do?" She cried.

"She's not going to give up, Bells. She's going to keep pushing this and you can't give in, you need to trust me when I say there is absolutely nothing wrong with you" He explained, she was confused as to why he kept repeating this. "You need to get rid of her, Bells, for good"

Tears fell from Bella's eyes, "As in...?"

"Kill her" Harry said.

"I know it'll be tough but she's convincing people you're crazy Bella. You're not crazy, there's nothing wrong with you, she's trying to get you locked away, she's trying to take you away from me. She doesn't care where you end up, she doesn't love you. Nobody loves you like I do, Bells. No one understands you" He said breathlessly.

Harry looked at her, with, almost pleading eyes. "You have to kill her"

Bella nodded numbly, her throat dry. "I have to kill her"

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