The Bargain

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When Merlin finally awakened from the suffocating darkness, he opened his eyes slightly and sat up. They were in the throne room, Morgana sitting on the throne like it was hers, and Arthur and the knights all chained up and unconscious beside him. "Look who's finally awake! The idiotic useless servant boy" Morgana exclaimed with sickly sweetness. Sitting up fully, examining the room Merlin noted the closed and presumably locked grand doors, and worst of all his chained king, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, Lancelot, Leon, and Gaius. How was Gaius here? Morgana must have searched for him specifically. Merlin looked to Morgana sitting on the stolen throne and glared with all his hatred and  spoke with a voice so malicious it wasn't even his, "Get off that throne bitch before I knock you off it." Rage surged in his veins, screams of the fallen in Morgana's siege of the town filled his ears. No more. No more suffering no more death not while he was alive. Granted that might not be for much longer if he was chained at the feet of Morgana. The imposter gasped in sarcastic hurt, "Such brave words from a servant boy!" 

"You will learn I am much more than that Morgana." Merlin growled back not breaking his stare. Before Morgana could respond her attention was caught by the others waking up. "OH look you've joined us! Good!" She clapped her hands and smiled cruelly at the knights Gaius and Arthur who had just woken up. "Morgana" Arthur spat "I believe that is my throne you are sitting on." The others glared at Morgana as Gaius and Merlin made eye contact Gaius shaking his head "No, not now" He seemed to say. Merlin then busied himself checking his friends for any prominent injuries. They all had cuts and bruises, Percival with a slice on his thigh, Leon with a gash on his forehead, but nothing far. "Oh brother is that any way to speak to your new queen?" Morgana asked scanning over the chained captives with dead eyes and an evil smile. "You will never be our queen we will never bow to you." Gwaine spat angrily "You always were the hotheaded one and never the smartest." She said with none of the fake smiles or sarcasm shown only moments before. 

"What happened to you child?" Gaius asked as if he were speaking to a teenager who fell in with the wrong crowd. "Well that's easy, I grew up, to be queen." Gesturing to the throne and crown she wore on her raven black hair almost as black as her mangled soul. "See that's where you're wrong." Gaius said calmly and with ice in his tone. Merlin intercepted before she could bring harm to his beloved friends. 

"Morgana leave everyone out of this and I will tell you the one thing you truly long to know." No sign of the cheery Merlin everyone loved, no this was stone cold calculation. Everyone looked at Merlin, puzzled except for Gaius who knew what he was about to do and tried to stop him. Merlin held up a chained hand silencing Gaius before he could speak. Morgana turned her deadly and sickening attention to Merlin, "What could I ever want when I have finally reclaimed my rightful throne?" Growls emerged from the knights as they beared their teeth at the traitor but they were paid no heed as Merlin met her dead stare and said strongly, "The identity of your true downfall, Emrys." 

Arthur's POV 

Immediately pure terror and greed took over Morgana's cool and cunning but once beautiful face. She jumped out of the throne that never belonged to her shrieking, "Tell me! Tell me now!" Yet Merlin stayed calm even as her eyes glowed gold and a ring of fire appeared around his servant's neck. Everyone exclaimed, yelling that they would kill her if she harmed him. She ignored all of them. What is going on? Who is this Emrys? What does Merlin know of him? All these thoughts raced through the king's head as he bellowed for his former sister to release Merlin. All his knights were yelling but Merlin and Morgana just stared at each other locked in a battle of dominance. What does Merlin think he is doing? He's going to get himself hurt. What is going on and why does Gaius look so sad? Like he knows something they don't. "Tell me!" Morgana demanded, frantic. " Despite the burning ring of fire scorching his throat Merlin's voice was steady as he said "Come closer and I'll tell you." Morgana quickly leaned forward her ear nearly to Merlin's mouth. Merlin whispered something quickly too quietly for anyone to hear and Morgana tore away stunned and fearful. What could make her so nervous and scared? Why is Merlin acting like this. "LIAR." Morgana screeched. "WHAT THE RUTTING HELL IS GOING ON?" Arthur yelled followed by similar shouts from his knights beside him. Despite their efforts to free themselves they struggled in vain and they were yet again ignored. Arthur worried for Gaius who was just slumped down watching the odd exchange knowingly. "Try and test me bitch." Merlin challenged and Morgana stepped back. Arthur was affronted by Merlin's harshness something he's never seen from his idiot puppy of a servant. Merlin continued "You let them go and I will go with you but you must leave Camelot now and forever." 

"NOOOOOOOOOOO" Arthur bellowed frantically struggling even more to break the hard iron that chained him, so close to his own throne. He needed to do something, to get a sword, to fight, just SOMETHING. Not this, not chained and confused and about to lose one of his own. Merlin just glanced at Gaius and nodded solemnly. For some reason that look turned his stomach especially after he saw Gaius look defeated. This was NOT going to end well. To his surprise Morgana nodded fear clouding her eyes as they glowed gold and all their chains dropped except Merlin's, which only grew stronger. Arthur automatically went for his sword as did his comrades. Merlin just looked at everyone steeling his nerves and cementing his resolve as he saw his family he would be saving. "Merlin what are you doing?!" Arthur demanded but the only response he got from his servant was "I'm doing what must be done for you and for Camelot. This country will need you Arthur, let it prosper under your reign, it has been a pleasure serving you sire I only wish it could have been for longer."

 Arthur was left gaping at the seriousness of his servant even as he tried to protest, Merlin just turned to the knights, his brothers in their own right "Thank you everything you have done for me I will never forget that or any of the adventures we shared, stay and serve Camelot as you were all meant to do." They all protested but Merlin just turned calmly to Gaius as Morgana stood silently staring at Merlin with....fear in her eyes that was odd. Merlin continued, "Gaius thank you for being as close to a father as you ever could be, and for protecting and offering me a home out of the kindness of your heart." Gaius just nodded tears overflowing his eyes. Merlin turned to the group and said strongly even as his eyes glistened, "Don't follow me, this is what must be done, thank you all for the best years of my life, and for giving me a family and a home." He then turned and walked calmly away towards the doors as Morgana seemed to regain thought and roughly yanked his chains towards her. Stunned, standing with their mouths agape nobody moved as Morgana and Merlin opened the doors. At the same moment the knights and Arthur rushed forward with their weapons in hand as Gaius crumpled to the ground. As they tried to pursue Morgana and Merlin out of the grand doors of the throne room they slammed into an invisible wall. Magic was sealing them in. They all screamed Merlin's name, Arthur the loudest, slashing with their swords and pushing against the invisible barrier they tried to pursue their friend, who was now disappearing down the long hallway, but to no avail. As Arthur stopped struggling his stomach sank as he watched his best friend and long time servant disappear around the corner alongside the embodiment of Arthur's worst betrayal and failure, Morgana, and realized that Merlin had not looked back once. 

Merlin had said his final goodbye.

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