The confusion

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It's in the middle of the summer, And Josh had gotten a job at a small library, his twin sister, Sophie was working at a coffee shop just across the street, Sophie and josh had both bright blue eyes and light yellowish hair, Josh was putting away books and turned to face the door as a high pitched bell sound filled the room, a girl wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses walks in and to one of the bookshelves as she looked for a book to read, she had been coming almost every week end, the bookstore owner Nick Fleming seemed to stiffen up a bit as he saw the girl, Nick had black hair slicked back, he was wearing hippie bracelets, A leather jacket and cowboy boots, the girl smiled as she dragged out a book from the shelf and walks to Nick and hands him the book, Nick looked nervous as if he was scared of her, a bit later he gave her back the book and she paid for it then walks out. Sophie was in the coffee shop as she looks out the window, she noticed that a black limousine stops by the book store and three large men wearing a winter coat stand in front of it, a short man walks outside and looks at Sophie, she stiffens up and turns around as a tall and slim woman with black hair walks in and smiled at Sophie as she ordered a black coffee, Sophie smiled back at her and got her a cup of black coffee, she payed and looks outside the window " strange isn't it" Sophie said " I mean who wears a winter coat in the middle of summer?" The woman know as Perry Fleming  looks at her" I don't know " she took a sip of her coffee. Nick looked outside then looks at josh " can you go to the basement and get a few books for me josh?" He asks , josh nodded and went down the basement, a scent of mint and spoiled eggs hit him in the face and filled his lungs, he felt sick but still looked around for the books Nick had asked for, he couldn't breath so he ran out of the basement , Nick and the short man with brown slick hair, he was wearing a thick jacked, stood face to face a few meters away from each other, a yellow glow appeared in the short mans hand " Nicolas Flamel" he frowns as a green glow appeared in Nicolas's hand and threw it at him, an explosion happened and josh fell down then everything got blurry, he saw as Nicolas and the short man where throwing green and yellow glowing balls at the size of a marble at each other, he remembered Nicolas handing him a small and very old book. Perry and Sophie ran in and looked terrified, the three tall men walk in and attack Nicolas and Perry, the short man walks to josh and grabbed the book from him the walk out and two men followed, the last one had turned into mud and mucky water, josh stood up and looked around confused and dizzy, Sophie ran to him and hugs him " are you alright?" She asks worried , josh nodded then looks at Nicolas " what in the world happened?" He asks, Nicolas looked at him " that was john dee, he was after a book, a very precious one, one that could bring hell on earth" josh and Sophie looked at each other then josh handed him two pages " he didn't get all of it" he said , Nicole's was suddenly happy and took the two pages " the most important pages " he stood up and smiled then his smile fade " where is Perry?" He gasps and fear was visible in his eyes " he's got Perenelle" he walks in circles then stops " lets go" he walks out and the twins followed " where are we going?" Sophie asked" I'll explain it later " they walk into a large building and walk up into a teakwondo gym , a ginger hair girl about 15-17 walks past Nicolas then froze, she turns around and looks at Nicolas " what are you doing here?" She asks as she crossed her arms, Nicolas sighs " the kings man has my perenelle " the red haired girl looked shocked " ill be right back" she turns and walks away, " who was that?" Sophie asks " that's scathach, Aoife of the Shadow " he said as he leaned up against a wall, josh looks around the stops and looks at a silver haired girl " weird " Sophie looks at him" what?" "That girl......she has silver hair " he said " she probably dyed it" scathach walks over to them " nope it's natural " they look confused at scathach, she walks outside and they followed, as they walk outside the silver haired girl walks past them and to a large black jeep, scathach looks at Nicolas " who are they?" She asks " this is josh and Sophie, their twins " she stiffened up " twins? Nicolas?" She said with a hint of anger she sighs and points them to follow her " what's going on nick?" Josh asked " please call me Nicolas" he said " that book dee took is called dojo, and in the dojo is a prophesy about two twins, one to save the earth....and destroy it"  scathach turns around " are you saying that the dojo was stolen?" " by dee yes " she made a hand signal that she had given up" welp were dead" she walks away with her hands in the air the Nicolas grabbed her shoulder " it might be scathach but I will not rest till I have found perenelle " she sighs " fine" she walks to a small house and opened the door to a small apartment, she opened her closet and there where a row of weapons from ninja swords to daggers" wow" was  the only thing josh could say, scathach smiled in amusement and took two ninja swords, a few daggers and a normal sword then looks at Nicolas " well I'm ready let's go" she walks outside and stops, there was a mud man standing in front of her and hit her , she dodged every move he made and stuck her hand into his mouth and dragged out a piece of paper, the man then turns into mud, swamp and mucky. water "    and that's that" she walks away like nothing happened , the twins look terrified at each other before following her " so where are we going?" Scathach asked "to the witch of endor " Nicolas answered. Scathach talked to the silver haired girl and  she agreed to let her borrow her car, it was a big black jeep, josh sat I the drivers seat, Sophie next to him, Nicolas and scathach where in the back seat talking about the dojo, Nicolas told him to drive towards Chicago, on a large bridge a flock of birds started to attack the car, they grabbed it and tried to lift it " does anyone have a phone?" Nicolas asked, Sophie handed him her phone, a few minutes later he returned the phone and a wind swiped away the birds, josh drove ahead, after a half an hour later Nicolas told josh to take a turn " right here," he said , josh took a turn to a dead end, he looked in the mirrors and froze " N-Nicolas? There are warthogs following us" he said as Nicolas looked out the window" they're not a threat to us, just keep driving " he said as he sat " but there is a dead end" josh said " I know" he said calmly, josh drove trough the wall looking end, as soon as they came trough he turned the engine off and stepped outside, a woman with white hair stood outside holding a phone, Nicolas walked to her and they started to talk, scathach stood there saying nothing , Sophie walks to josh and held his hand " I want to go home" she said " I know, I want that too" he said " come" Nicolas said as he walked through a door in a giant tree, it was so large you couldn't see the end, the twins walked inside followed by scathach

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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