Chapter 2

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About fifteen minutes later, another maid, my friend Luli came in. She looked at me wide-eyed. "I heard you ran into Crown Prince Jun!" she said with a gasp. "How'd you get out of it?"

"He stormed off," I replied with a shrug. "I'm very lucky. He let me get away this time."

"Very lucky, indeed. You shouldn't be so careless when you walk."

"It wasn't my fault he came out of literally nowhere. But, guess what else happened?"


"You recall how I'm getting headaches when I wake up from nightmares most mornings?"

"Yes. And?"

"Lord Xi gave me the day off."

"Oh, he's wonderful. Unlike his older brother, he actually has respect for people. I can't wait to see him on the throne. I hope that awful Prince Jun gets fatally stabbed. And if someone doesn't have the guts to do it after he becomes emperor, I swear I will myself."

I gasped. "Luli! How could you say that?" I exclaimed. "Although he does deserve it, imagine what he'd do to us if he heard you!"

Luli rolled her eyes and then sighed. "True...I wouldn't like to die before my time by the hands of some mannerless animal..."

"Neither would I," I said. Then, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. "Someone's coming! Get out of here before you get punished-"

Then, someone knocked on the door. "Too late..." groaned Luli.

"Come in," I called. Then, my screen door opened to reveal Prince Xi! "Your Highness!" I gasped as I bowed low before him.

"Da-Xia, Luli," he greeted both of us with a nod. "Although it took a lot of convincing, my father approved. You're free for the day."

I gasped. "Thank you so much, Your Highness!" I exclaimed as I bowed to him.

"Of course, Da-Xia," he said with a slight nod. "Don't be too happy about it, because my father has ordered me to spend the day with you..."

"Has he really?" I said as I turned away from him so he didn't see my eyes widen.

"Mhm..." he said with a smile. He looked up. "Luli, you're dismissed." She bowed her head, and walked swiftly out of my room. Then, he looked back at me. "I would like to have the chance to walk with you in the garden, if I may..."

I gasped. "Of course, Your Highness! It would be my honor."

All of a sudden, the Emperor's voice rang through the hall, calling for Prince Xi. "I shall see you shortly, then," he said with a small bow.

I bowed in return. "Of course, Your Highness. Thank you again."

"It is the least I could do for a girl who works so hard to impress me..."

I blushed. He laughed and left my room in a hurry.

I sighed. Then, I quickly got undressed and put a dress on, trying to look my best for Prince Xi. Then, I put some makeup on, and started to walk to the royal garden.

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