Levi was woken by the sound of movement around him. He lifted his head from his arms and saw that Eld and Gunther were sitting at the table across from him. "You have a rough night, Captain?" Eld asked before thanking Petra for the tea she placed in front of them. Levi hummed his reply after taking a short sip of his scolding tea. Oluo joined shortly after and they sat in silence until Hanji turned up. "Where's Eren?" She asked obviously wanting to start her experiments as early as possible. Petra shrugged, "I don't think he's used to our early starts yet. Maybe one of us should go wake him." No one made to move because in truth no one really trusted Eren enough to like him. Gunther sighed and stood up, knowing that he was the only one who could really go considering Petra and Hanji were female, Eld was an Alpha, Oluo didn't like Eren in the slightest and Levi was the captain. "Taking one for the team, Gunther. Well done." Hanji patted him over the back as he walked from the room.

For three days it was the same, Eren not turning up until later, Hanji taking him away for experiments and Levi getting more and more irritated with his lack of control over his scent. On the fourth day Eren was actually up on time, he wanted to impress Captain Levi and prove that he could be a good addition to his squad. Except Levi didn't turn up. Petra, Gunther, Eld and Oluo exchanged worried looks. Petra stood quietly and left for the hallway that there dorms where down. Minutes later there was a shout from her, "Eld! Gunther!" Eld, Gunther and Oluo were out of their seats within seconds and down the hall. The three soldiers stood at their Captain's door and quickly understood what was happening. Petra was crouched by Levi's bedside trying to prise the many blankets from a quickly overheating Levi. "Eld go get Commander Erwin. Gunther I need some water and a cloth to cool him down. Oluo go help him." Petra called from the room. The three split, Gunther and Oluo heading down the hall and Eld back up it. Eld ran passed Eren with his nose in his elbow without even noticing the younger Alpha.

Eren wandered mindlessly down the hallways following a most delicious scent. Eld ran passed him, almost colliding with him as he went. He watched the backs of the Gunther and Oluo ran the other way and he started to walk a little faster. Eren finally arrived at the source of the scent. His eyes went wide when he saw Levi sweating and panting in his bed. Petra was at his sides brushing his hair from his face. "What's wrong with Captain Levi?" He asked through the fog of his quickly clouding mind. Petra's head whipped around to look at him, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. "Out the way brat!" Oluo shouted from behind him before Petra could speak. Petra took a cloth from Gunther and dipped it in the water, she placed the now wet cloth on Levi's forehead. The Captain mumbled something to quiet to hear but Petra seemed to understand it. "He's coming." She replied to him.
"I can help him." Eren muttered, drawing everyone's attention to his presents. There was a silence for a moment before Gunther and Oluo stood together. "You need to leave green horn." Oluo spat through his teeth. Eren's natural Alpha flared, normally he'd control himself when around his superiors but Levi's heat scent was making him fight against the 'competition for the Omega'. Eren's scent filled the room and Levi began muttering louder. "Alpha... A-Alpha." He mumbled. Petra turned back to him, "Shh, it's okay Levi. Your Alpha's coming." Eren stepped forward again and both the male betas moved to stop him. "He's calling for me." Eren said, his aggression raising.

"I believe he's actually calling for me." Came a voice from behind Eren. Eren turned on his heels to face the intruder, fully prepared to fight the outsider away until he saw who it was. Erwin stood in the doorway, Eld just behind him with his face still covered. Erwin lifted his chin slightly to show dominance. "Everyone out, except for Petra." Erwin spoke with strength in his voice. He stepped into the room, Gunther and Oluo made to move eyeing Eren as they went. Eren stood his ground trying to challenge Erwin. Oluo grabbed the back of his jacket and gave a strong tug. With Eren off balance Oluo was able to pull him from the room. Erwin couldn't help his glare as the young Alpha left. He then turned his attention to his Omega who'd rolled onto his back and pushed the blankets away from himself, his legs were spread open for his Alpha. "E-Erwin... Alpha!" Levi shouted to him. Petra allowed Erwin to take her place at Levi's side. "I think it only started this morning. I'll keep everyone away and I'll get some drinking water for you both." Petra said polity and quickly left knowing Erwin would want to start helping Levi as soon as possible.

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