"Morning," she said.

"I can't imagine changing schools twice in a single year..." Lauren was telling her husband. "I would think once is enough. Morning, honey."

They were sitting at the table around the usual coffee, orange juice, toast and cereal.

"Who's changing schools?" Andie asked as she poured milk over her cereal.

"Eric." Hank said.

Andie gaped, frozen in a standing position.

"Eric's leaving?" she asked.

"He's transferring to a different school. It's a private institution in Boston, I think. His mother told me he had received a scholarship."

"But that's the other side of the country!" Andie exclaimed. "Why ever would..."

But she trailed off. There was no use asking that question, because she knew exactly why he would leave. He couldn't stand seeing her with Bane. But why hadn't he told her about it?

Oh, don't be an idiot, of course he wouldn't tell you, she scolded herself. He knew you would try and talk him out of it...

"Didn't he tell you about it?" Lauren asked Andie.

"No... I saw him just last week! I can't believe it..." she said. "He wasn't even going to say goodbye?"

"I don't know, honey." Hank said.

"... Well, when does he leave?"

He checked his watch and sighed.

"They told me his plane was leaving at noon," he told. "They'll be getting ready to leave any moment now..."

Andie jumped to her feet, kissed her father's cheek and hurried out.

The drive to Eric's house was fairly short, but she knew she could miss them. She soon turned the corner into their street and recognized the Donovans' car. They were still packing Eric's luggage into the trunk. She parked and climbed out. They were so busy they hadn't noticed her. She marched towards him. Now that she had sorted her feelings out, she could see that Eric was indeed handsome, but she felt no real romantic feelings for him, if she ever had.

"Were you even going to say goodbye?"

Eric paused, then turned around.


She crossed her arms.

"Were you even going to tell me you were leaving?"

"I... I would have emailed you..."

"Oh, that's classy."

"Look, I'm trying, okay?" he said.

"Eric, I know I didn't make things easy for you, and I'm sorry about that. But you didn't exactly help me much, either, throwing yourself at me every chance you had. And after everything, I think I deserve a little better than an email after you ran off."

Eric hesitated, then sagged his shoulders.

"... You're right," he sighed. "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you... I just didn't know how, I guess. I think a part of me still wanted you to convince me to stay..."

"... and the other didn't want to face the fact that I wouldn't..." Andie said.

"I suppose."

Just then, to Andie's utter astonishment, Bane came into view.

"... Bane...?"

"Andie, hey, I didn't know you'd be here."

"I could say the same to you..."

"I called him," Eric explained. "I got Emily to give me his number." he glanced at Bane. "Hope you don't mind?"

"No. I'm just wondering what this is about."

"That makes two of us," Andie said pointedly, looking at Eric.

"I just wanted to apologize." Eric said. "I was jealous, and I was kind of unfair to you. So I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I wasn't really exemplary either." Bane said, shrugging.

"No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings," Bane agreed.

They shook hands. Andie was glad they were working on at least getting along, even if she would have appreciated them making the effort sooner. Eric then turned to her, and she only just realized that he was flying off to a town just under three thousand miles from there. Denver was quite far away, but it was still less than half the distance to Boston. She took a step closer to him.

"... Are you really that mad at me?"

Eric breathed heavily.

"No. It's not that. I just... need a change of scenery. And Boston is the only one that offered me what I wanted."

Andie heaved a sigh.

"It'll be weird thinking you're that far away..."

"I know..."

They hugged each other.

"... Watch yourself, okay?" Andie said, her voice shaking slightly.

He nodded into her shoulder.

"You too." he whispered.

He paused a beat, then said:

"I have to go. I have a plane to catch."

"Oh... yeah, of course."

He stepped back.

"... Bye, Addy."

"Bye, Eric." Andie replied.

Bane took her hand in his. She grasped his arm for comfort. Eric, she noticed was clearing his throat and blinking more that was natural. He turned away and climbed into the car. Bane and Andie waved as it drove away until it vanished from sight. Bane then walked Andie back to her car, their hands locked together.

"You okay?" he asked.

"... Yeah, I think so. I mean, I'm still a little mad that he didn't tell me he was leaving for New York... but if it's really what he wants... It's not my right to stop him."

They paused next to her car. Bane leaned against it and pulled her towards him. Andie felt her heart race, because they had been close before but this was the first time since their reconciliation.

"Well, if he's happier that way, then it's all for the better, right?"

"Yeah... I guess."

She raised a finger at him.

"But if you ever plan on going that far without telling me, you're toast. Clear?"

She was smiling, so he knew she was – sort of – joking.

"Crystal," Bane grinned. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Andie leaned forwards and kissed him, her arms sliding behind his neck as his caught her waist, sending electricity through her body. They both knew the demons could attack them any moment, but they felt that so long as they stuck together, they could take on anything.

Four Elements Book 2 - Fight and FeelWhere stories live. Discover now