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Edna White-Miller and her best friend, Jillian Matthews stood outside the walls of New York.

Or so they wanted to believe.

"Guess so." replied Edna, her tone flippant, trying to mask her disappointment.

It was a terrible day, she thought, as she arranged her backpack so that it would give her sweaty back some access to the air. It was an unusually hot day for the end of July, the afternoon sun threatening to burn anything stupid enough to cross its path. On top of that, it was terribly humid, making everything feel clammy and sticky and wet.

Honestly, she didn't know why she and Jillian had come here. She didn't even remember who'd suggested it in the first place, but whoever had, was stupid, and the one who'd listened was even stupider.

Guess that made them both kind of stupid.

"Why are we here again?" asked Jillian,echoing her thoughts. She fanned her face with her hand, which was almost as red as her hair from heat and exhaustion from walking so far.

"hell if I knew." Edna muttered, fanning her own face.

Jillian sat down on the grass, then proceeded to lie down on it. "Come on. I'm not going back without making something of this stupid trip", she said.

Edna sat down too, cross legged. She peered up at the enormous Gray walls through the glare of the sun.

"Do you think they're true? The rumors?" she asked Jill. She knew she was treading on dangerous waters here, but she had to ask.

"yes. no. I don't know, really. But it's pretty scary."

Edna pondered that.

"If they're true, we're all finished." she said quietly, as if afraid someone would hear.

It was rumored that the Largion union, our neighboring country, and their former ally, was planning an attack on New York. Reasons?

A month ago, it had been rumored that New York was withholding a weapon that originally belonged to the Largions. The republic of New York, of course, denied it. Now, Largions are demanding for them to give up the 'weapon' willingly, or face a war.

The thing was, the Largion union was much more powerful than them. As if to rub that on their faces, they released a new propaganda video on the internet every month. Their ammunition was much more advanced, and so was their army force.

If they really attacked, they would all be dead. At best.

The Largions were scientists. They liked to experiment. Sometimes on humans, but mostly on animals. It had been rumored that they had found a breakthrough in human technology, but would not share it.

This world was extremely fond of rumors.



"Do you think that is why we're here? To make sure that no hovercrafts are trying to cross in?"Jillian asked, turning on her side. Her hazel eyes looked up expectantly up at he.

"Maybe." Edna replied, then asked "Or are we here to evade our screwed up lives?"


They weren't usually so melodramatic. But there was something about this place, in this hot and clammy meadow, that had always been theirs. This was their place, where no one else was allowed, where nothing could bother them.

They were troubled. That's what they thought. That's what the Republic of New York thought.

Edna was adopted, after being fostered by numerous parents since she was a child, only last year. she didn't know what happened to her real parents, and had no means to know it. But everyone seemed to think that their death was her fault.

Who am I?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora