Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to take you out to get a feel of the territory. I know you've been here for a while and don't know where our territory ends and all that so I figured I'd show you just in case." I'm honestly grateful that he is willing to show me as I am kinda scared that I will travel outside of his lands on accident without knowing where his borders are.

I nod before heading over to where the breakfast is set up and digging in. I don't take long to eat, sort of anxious to get out and see where everything is. 

When I'm finished Ashton takes my hand and leads me out of the house. Rather than go to the car like I thought he would he leads me out to the woods. We don't shift, we just walk through it. Its honestly really peaceful in the morning when the animals are just starting to wake up.

I listen while the birds chirp to one another and watch as the squirrels and rabbits run from us whenever we get too close to them. Its actually quite relaxing if I do say so myself.

We walk for about 30 minutes before he stops and shows me markers that indicate where the border is. I study the markers so that I will be able to remember them even though I doubt I will be going out this far anytime soon.

The markers range from a simple twig buried in the ground to a huge tree that could easily be noticed from far away. I make sure to go over them all after I learn a new one just so I am positive to remember it.

He shows me the borders for over an hour before deciding that we should head into town to show me the main attractions. 

He grabs my hand and leads me back through the trees. I interlace our fingers and swing our hands back and forth as we walk. He chuckles at my childishness but plays along with it either way.

It takes about 30 minutes to get back to where we started and from there we head into town. There are people walking around on the sidewalks and cars going up and down the streets, most people are window shopping but others are simply just enjoying the nice weather - I can't really blame them though I feel as though I would love to just sit here and enjoy it.

I smile at people as we pass by and I watch as shock overtakes their features before they quickly smile back at me, a few wave at me as well.

He shows me multiple tourist attractions such as a monument that sits in the middle of the town and a huge building that was built in memory to  an Alpha from many generations ago. Its honestly really cool to learn about the history of this place.

We decide its time to eat something since we haven't eaten in over 3 hours and with all the walking we've been doing its made us hungry apparently. He leads us to a diner that sits off to the edge of the town.

When we walk in I immediately feel all warm and cozy inside, it just gives someone that kind of feel.

Its decorated with old fashioned pictures of random things going from a plant to the Eiffel Tower. There was one of a couple dancing around in the rain with the biggest smiles on their faces as though they didn't have a care in the world. They probably didn't. I couldn't help but feel envious of them, with having no worries it must feel so refreshing.

We sit down in a seat in the corner so that we can see everyone but not be obvious. I thought that Ashton would sit across from me in the booth we chose but he just sat himself right beside me.

I couldn't help the smile that graced my face when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to his side. 

I watch the waitresses going back and forth between tables, smiling occasionally whenever someone catches my eye.

Soon enough our waitress comes up to us.

"Hi, My name is Patricia and I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get you to drink?" I order a pink lemonade and Ashton orders a Dr. Pepper.

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