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This is the Edited version. I would like to thank ScarletKurenai for editing it!


In the Dark Abyss I waited

I waited...


and waited...

Then I realized that you aren't coming.

I started screaming.

Started screaming in this Dark Abyss

I cried and wept...

And when I thought no one care...

Somehow, in some way, someone heard my anguish

That someone heard me threw all the noise to the human realm

A spark of light chased away the darkness enveloping me

And from nowhere you appeared.

You extend your hand to me...

Cast the darkness away...

Stop the anguish I'm feeling...

You become the light in this Dark Abyss

The angel of the Dark Abyss.

You teach me how to live in the path of light

And when I finally thought that I'm free from the darkness...

You left.


Everything turned back the way it is...

I return to the Dark Abyss...

Left Alone in this Dark Abyss...

I started screaming, weeping and cursing...

But now no one seems to care...

No one seems to hear my agony...

And so I sink deeper...

Sink deeper


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