Chapter two-Last time

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The cool water from the ocean tickled my feet as I walked along the beach, it was dark, and everyone but Paul and I had left. And neither of us has said a word since they left. I glanced at Paul, who had his hands in the pocket of his pants, and seemed to be thinking "Paul." I began, and he looked at me "Are you sure you are okay? You look... kind of strange, I can’t exactly place my finger on it." I added, still walking.

"I do feel sort of... weird and not that well. But I am sure it’s nothing" Paul said shrugging, making me look away and bite my lip "And before you say anything Rey, It's not a big deal" He added as I went to speak, almost as if he knew what I was going to say.

I looked at him again " This is not 'no big deal' Paul, something is obviously wrong. Especially if you feel weird" I said in a louder voice than before, I do not get why he doesn't see it. At least not like I do, Paul admitted it himself he was not feeling too well.

Paul looked clearly irritated "Rey, nothing is wrong, I am probably just getting the flu. It's nothing, so why the hell are you making such a big deal of it?" He snapped I looked at him, slightly surprised at the change of his tone.

"Because Paul, I do not want to say it’s nothing and find out something was wrong and have you disappear for two weeks like Sam did" I replied, feeling tears try to form in my eyes. I can’t lose Paul, I just can’t. I do not know what I would without his annoying self.

Paul's face softened when I said that "Rey, I am not going anywhere. I promise, so do not worry about it" Paul said, his voice was much gentler now. I nodded, and used my sleeve to wipe the tears from my eyes before one could fall.

I stayed silent for a moment "I should get back, before Jared thinks you kidnapped me or something." I said walking towards the house, with Paul still following beside me. Today has been interesting, but I could not wait to get back home to go to bed.

Paul chuckled slightly “But, if I did kidnap you. What makes you think I would give you back?" He asked, raising a brow. I stared at him, surprised. Though he teased me in similar ways before, but it was not exactly like this, this seemed different.

After a few minutes, we were outside of the house. Paul insisted on walking with me, even though nothing would have happened "I guess I will see you tomorrow at school, Paul" I said giving him a quick hug, and he did the same.

As I went to turn around to walk inside, he did something that took me completely by surprise. He kissed my cheek "Good night, Rey. See you tomorrow at school" Paul said smirking, I nodded, wide eyed. And walked into the house.

I shut the door behind me, and touched where Paul had kissed my cheek "Jared" I called, my voice cracking. His head poked out from his room, before coming out of his room quickly, with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay, Audrey? What is wrong?" Jared asked, making me frown to myself. Sometimes it was a pain being younger then Jared, but only by ten minutes. So he has become somewhat protective of me. It’s quite annoying sometimes, If not most of the time.

"Paul is what is wrong, something is wrong with him. First he said if he kidnapped me he would not give me back, that is somewhat normal. But he just kissed my cheek, that is not normal, he has not done that since we were five" I said, almost in a rushed voice.

Jared stared at me silent for a moment "That's kind of like Paul, just not with you. I do not think he has ever acted that way with you, I do not like it." Jared said simply "Even my best friend can’t do that to my sister" He mumbled, mainly to himself.

"My point exactly, now, I am going to bed. Hopefully things will be right tomorrow" I said with a sigh “Night, Jared" I said and walked passed him to my room; we used to have little nicknames for each other. But we grew out of it by middle school, I called Jared. Red, Creative I know. He used to all me AdAd, I still have no idea why he called me that. I called him Red because that was his favorite color and it’s the last part of his name.

I sat on my bed, looking at the pictures that lined the wall, there was one that stood out the most for me on the wall. Elementary school graduation, I had some teeth missing, Jared had a broken nose, and Paul had a black eye. Jared and Paul were fighting about something, I had just lost the teeth naturally.

I kept my favorite pictures on my end table, there were two of them, one was of me and Jared on our ninth birthday, we were covered in mud, and the only spot of us that was not cover was our faces. The other one was of Paul and I, he had just turned thirteen a week earlier. And he was giving me a piggy back ride, we were both laughing at his attempt to give me one. And our moms managed to get a picture before we fell down, still laughing.

I laid down as the memories flooded my mind that was also the year he had changed. He started taking more notice to girls, and girls took more notice of him. He went on several dates that year; He had his first kiss by the age of fourteen. We had drifted some apart some that year, with him spending so much time with the other girls at school. That day on the beach was the last real moment we had as best friends up until today, when it was just the two of us. If you can even count that as being best friends.

I miss those days, where everything was easier. And now Paul is acting different again, he is changing again just like three years ago. But I can’t help but think that I am going to lose him this time. That he is going to change and forget all about me, the twin sister of the person he is probably closer to then anyone in the world.

I know it sounds selfish, and stupid. But I want him to stay the same, I want him to stay as the Paul I have just gotten use to. Even after all this time, I only had just gotten used to it this year. And I do not want or need it, especially after what happened with Sam.

I shut my eyes as the memories still lingered in my mind, I tried to force them out, but they just kept burning into my mind. I sighed slightly as I shut my eyes tighter, not bothering to pull the blanket over me, it’s only going to get kicked off anyway.

And as I thought my body was finally drifted to sleep, Paul stayed in my mind, not really unusual. Something gnawed at the back of my mind, aching to get out. And just as I thought I was about to fall finally asleep, my eyes shot open in relation, not only that I have a freaking math test tomorrow second period. But another thing "Crap, I am so screwed" I mumbled shaking my head, I am such an idiot.

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