Sentimental Value

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"M-Marshall?! What in the hell are you doing?!" Marshall corners me to the edge of the couch. He's pretty much on top of me and sweating.

"Bubs stop being so difficult-" he struggles. "Let's see what's under here!" He finally manages to get the sweater off, but I have a shirt under there. Marshall doesn't go any further. He just stops and stares at my t-shirt. "Bubs...Is this...The shirt I gave you?" He slides his pale hand down my chest and comes closer to my neck.

"E-eh..." I didn't notice I was wearing this. I usually just wear it to sleep and that's it, but I didn't really remember that Marshall gave it to me until now. "Y-yeah. I wear it as a night shirt." I feel his warm breath crawling down my neck. It's as if he is beckoning my lips to touch his and-

"Bubs, have you ever given your heart to someone?" His cheek presses against mine. It's hot. Is he sick? Does he need ice? Why is he so hot? Oops, not like that! I mean l like you know-

"You gonna answer or not Gumball?" He leans back and places both hands on my chest.

"I have. They don't know I have though." I look to the side. I am kinda talking about Marshall, but I feel as if I shouldn't; like it's wrong to, but he has made my heart go soft like when you first bite into a roasted marshmallow. I feel Marshall shift my head towards him and I see a tear twinkle in his eye. He places his forhead on mine.

"Bubs...Do you like me?" He grins.

I try to back away, ohnohnohnohno, I can't because I have already reached the edge of the couch. I push Marshall backwards without thinking, and he grabs me along with him! Marshall's back is now on the couch and we're in a, well, uncomfortable position.

"Well Gummy, looks like you're on top now." He winks at me. AHHHHH OH MY GLOB. I try to get my hands off of his oh so muscular chest but he doesn't let me. "Going somewhere?" He pulls me forward and we break into a kiss (It's actually my first...). He roles his tongue around my mouth. ...It feels so good...

"Nyah~." I was able to catch my breath for a second. I catch a slither of air and immediately bring my mouth back to his. I begin to wrap my arms around him and he does the same. We're in a deep kiss.


After a while Marshall got tired of kissing and stopped. He took a deep breath. "Ever done that before?" He smiles and sticks his tongue out. I shake my head no.

The clock rings for 2 times. Wait, is it two o'clock in the morning? I got here at nine! And that movie was only about two hours long! Oh glob! I have to make that potion or the world will be destroyed and I will die and everyone will die and Marshall and I can't have kissy kissy moments and-

"It's alright Bubs, you can go." He leans back on the couch. "Don't forget your sweater though Sweetums~." I pick my pink sweater off of the ground where Marshall practically threw it and head out the door. I don't really want to walk to the Kingdom but...

"Marshall? Can you maybe...take me home?"

The door opens like a lightning bolt and he grabs my hand. "Say no more Bubs!" We fly off into the night sky and the wind just about blows my skin off.

Marshall flies me in from the window. "Thanks Marshall." I smile and stare at him while he floats outside the window.

"So when...You were talking about who you gave your heart to....did you mean-"

"Oh uh...yeah....I meant uh...PEPPERMINT MAID YEAH." I don't know what I'm thinking. Why can't I just say, yes Marshall, I like you a lot.

"Silly Bubs. But it's okay. I'll allow you to take your time sayin' you loooove me." He winks at me.

"AH NO I DON'T UH NIGHT." I literally just close the window and push the curtains together. Ugh, what is wrong with me? Yeah Gumball, you don't like him, cause we definetely didn't just shove tongues down each other's throats.


Yeah, that was kinda an exaggeration, but I mean...ah...I don't know what I mean. I really do like Marshall. I give a slight sigh and realize I have a job to do: Make. That. Potion.

"Prince Gumball~"

Wait, no, I just must be sleep deprived because I swear I heard Fionna's voi-

"Gumball! Hey are you listening?"

Oh glob. It is Fionna.

"Oh! Yeah hey! ...Why are you here? It's three o'clock in the mor-"

"I heard about you and Marshall being a thing!~ I mean I always shipped you guys but I never thought my fanfictions would come true!"

"Wait, how do you know" Did Marshall tell her? I guess they are pretty close, but still, that fast?

"Oh! Yeah. About that." She gives a shallow laugh. What did she do?

"Well, I just so happen to be walking next to Marshall's house and I heard a lot of moaning so I thought Marshall was in trouble or something. And uh, I looked in the window guys were-" She blushes madly.

"You were spying on us? Wh-what? Why?"

She shuffles her feet and looks down at the ground. "I didn't mean to. I was just trying to go on an adventure." She looks sad, and I have a feeling it's my fault.

"...It's.....fine. It's fine. Don't worry." I smile weakly and mess her hair up in a playful way. "Did you...happen to talk to Marshall after that?" I'm a bit worried he might have thought I sent her to spy on us or something.

"Well I just squealed a little and he heard me." She kinda laughs. "He came out there and was all like 'Please get out of here, I know it's you.' and went back inside." I think she was trying to imitate Marshall, but it wasn't even close. His voice has a little scratch in it everytime he speaks. His voice could put me to sleep.

"Gumball! You listening? Or are you thinking of Marshall's biceps?" She chuckles.

"Bah! No way! I was thinking of his-" Why am I telling her? I need to get to work. "....Bye Fionna. I have work to do." I walk away. "You can let yourself out, right?" How did she get in in the first place anyway? My guards are top notch! ...Or did they fall asleep...


Once Fionna left I got so close to completing the potion, but I ended up falling asleep on all my potions, which made havoc. When I woke up, my clock read 6 AM. Oh and there's a hole in my table that smells like zinc and hydrochloric acid that mixed together. Joy.

I won't sleep until this mixture is done, but I doubt I will get anywhere considering there is a high chance that Marshall will come over.

"Hey sweet cakes. Up so early?"



Yay! Guys I got 20 reads just yesterday! Thanks so much for this! You guys really encourage me to read. ;u; Sorry this part was kinda boring. ehhhh. Thanks though! :DD

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