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June 30th, 2015

Niall has somehow managed to convince Louis that a nightclub establishment is worthy of his time from ten o'clock to whenever he can't take it anymore. Following these guidelines, Louis finds himself hesitant to leave his desk when it's time to go home.

He hasn't seen anyone in a little over a year now, his last boyfriend being the one to take his virginity before they simply fell apart. No one was to blame in that scenario because after a month of heartbreak, of Harry trying to tear his door down, he's grown above that.

Harry is as fine a man on the inside and the outside as any person will ever have in their company. He is sweet, sickeningly charming and loyal to a fault. Louis has been his best friend for half a decade and maybe feelings of more than that have developed recently, but fraternising with fellow officers is against the rules. He'll have to wait until they're both retired or one is moved to another precinct, not certain which option is most frightening.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry and he have offices next to each other, a portion of the wall at their seated eye-level was broken down so they'd be in constant contact.

Louis snaps out of his trance dictating how hopeless he'll forever be in the love department and forces a smile. "Yeah, just thinking."

He gets a smile back, deep dimples and all. Harry is sorting through some kind of paperwork the way Louis was supposed to. "Thinking 'bout what?"

The telephone lines ring off the hook outside, given it's Saturday and people go crazy on Saturdays. Louis turns his chair to face Harry, taking on the posture of a kid with his knees folded and pen between his teeth. "You remember Niall, right?"

Harry pauses to think about it. "Yes."

"Well he wants to take me out to a nightclub tonight." Louis' lips form a pout just thinking about it.

"On a date?" Harry frowns at his documentation and clenches his fist around the one he's merely holding aside.

"No, as friends. But the point is to find me a date.....of sorts." Louis' done with his story and mimicking hand gestures.

Harry sits back in his leather cushioned chair that Louis called the lumbar Nirvana. His partner had a notoriously bad back and needed the therapeutic assistance. "Don't go."

Louis actually giggles at that, noticing Harry's concentration all on him as he does so. "You make it sound so simple."

"Because it is." Harry doesn't look at him and is suddenly waking up from his seat with assorted filing in his hand. He peeks through the hole in the wall with an uncomfortable grimace that seems to be smoothing itself out. "Don't go, okay?"

"Well-" Louis takes his pen out of his lips, partially pondering over why Harry looks like he's in pain. "-you try telling Niall that."

"I will." Harry replies and straightens up, leaving Louis to stare at his crotch through the gap.

"Wait, what?" Louis hops up from his chair, feet covered in black socks as he jogs out of his office to where Harry will be exiting his own.

Harry's smile curls half his lip, leaving one dimple to form and a peek of his canine to be visible. His lopsided grin is definitely a worthy one and Louis thinks it's like looking at two personalities on one face. The leaner male is putting his blazer on over his light blue dress shirt and Louis notices that he's found time to undo the top three buttons.

"Relax, Lou." Harry wraps his arm around Louis' shoulders and hugs him graciously. "I don't even know Niall."

"Oh." Louis doesn't like that he feels more relieved that he should and how Harry's previous cryptic responses seemed to have boiled over to his regularly bunny with a gun best friend. "Why don't you come to the club place tonight?"

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