Chap 2

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Michelle Talked to someone she knew who was a Hindu.according to him, there were many Hindu gods and goddesses. ganesha, shiva, krishna, Rama, hanuman, and v, just to name a few. Michelle still didn't know much, but she would worship them. They could help her. And if not them? Who can? Budist gods couldn't help her, Greek gods, couldn't help her, nor could Chinese. Could nobody help her?


Michelle walked home from school, beaten and bruised from the kids that teased her every day.2 minutes over!' Michelle yelled in her mind.she sped up, now at a sprint. She soon stopped at her driveway, and hesitated. 'i have to go in...' She knew. Gingerly she placed her handed on the doorknob and turned it, opening the door quietly. " you are late." A deep voice said. "i-I know.... B-but these- t-there were bullies...t-hat k-k-kept m-me from getting home..." she said quietly. "Excuses!Why do you always give these excuses! You were late, and that's all that matters." Michelle rushed inside, and her father closed the door. He picked up two wine bottles from the ground, and hurled one at Michelle. She dodged it, and dashed up the stairs, crashes of alcohol bottles trailing close behind. Crying, Michelle made it to her room. She locked the door, and moved her dresser in front of it. sitting on her bed, she cried out to the hindu gods,  but they did nothing.suddenly, a sharp pain in her shoulder caused Michelle to look, and see blood dripping down her arm. She saw a shard of glass stuck in it, but didn't bother to pull it out. There was now a constant banging and yelling at her door, but she ignored it. She wished she could just go back to the past, when things were perfect.


' "Mommy!!! Look at those fireworks! Aren't they pretty, daddy?" A little girl squealed. "they are beautiful, aren't they?" The man said. "mommy? Why do you have to go on your trip tomorrow?" The 6 year old asked. "I have to help someone. Dont worry, I'll be back soon. And then, I'll never leave you agian, Michelle." Michelle squealed in delight and hugged her parents.


'but you never came back. You broke your promise' Michelle thought, a river of tears spilling from her face.

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