Chapter 2

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Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Was all that went through my mind as I ran through the big halls of New York University.

I was lost. On my first day. Great.

I had most of my books in my backpack, but three were too heavy, so I had to carry them.

Where the hell is room 1106?

Finally, I found the four digits next to the door of a classroom and yanked the door open, almost tripping over as I entered.

As one of my books fell out of my arms and slammed to the ground, I had attracted a lot more attention than I wanted; the whole was class staring at me now, but at least I was only five minutes late.

"And who are you?" the Professor asked me. She's looks in her late thirties. "Louis Tomlinson; sorry I'm late." I answered her, almost out of breath.

"Oh, just called your name, Louis!" she says warmly, but pronounces my name 'Lewis' even though I just told her it was Louis.

She scans the room and then turns back to face me. "Take a seat next to Jennifer." she instructs me. I obeyed her, picking up my book and walking towards the empty seat next to a girl with very dark hair.

As I sit down, I turned around to see a boy with many tattoos laced on almost every inch of his arms. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but he still has a lot of tattoos nevertheless.

I quickly looked away as he turned his head up to face me. He stared at me for a few moments, then turned back to pay attention. I stare at him from the side now, taking in his profile.

He has plump pink lips and jade colored eyes, which from the side, almost look a pale, pale blue. His jawline is sharp and masculine; overall his facial structures are very above average.

 What the hell am I saying? I'm checking out a boy's face for fuck's sake.

My staring is interrupted as the girl next to me, Jennifer I remember, tapped my shoulder. "Do you have a sheet of paper?" she asked. I don't feel like getting my paper out, so I shake my head and quietly apologize.

"Hey." someone whispers and I have a mini heart attack. I turn to see the boy with the tattoos waiting for a reply "Hi."I whispered back. "Do you have a pencil?" he asked quietly. I'm a bit surprised at how unprepared all the students are. It's the first day, you would have expected them to be more responsible and buy their own school shit.

I nod and search in my backpack. "I'm Harry, by the way." he whispered, sounding uninterested. I nodded again, examining his face, now that I can see it more clearly. "Louis." I said, giving him my name.

I hand him the blue mechanical pencil slowly, looking away when he grabs it. "Thanks. Louis." he mumbles.


After unpacking, I grab my iPhone.

I dial Hailey's number; it rings 5 times.

"Hello?" she answers. "I miss you!" I tell my bestfriend.

"I miss you too Louis."

"How's Eleanor?" I ask quickly. "She misses you." Hailey tells me. "I miss her too." I sigh."Why didn't you just call her?" she asks. "I wanted to talk to you about something," I say.

"Okay, go."

"Well, do you ever like, look at girls?" I ask curiously.


"Um, like, I don't know, check them out."

"I mean sometimes, but that's out of jealousy. Why? What's the reason for this question?"

"Well, don't know. N-nevermind." I stammer.

"Louis, you can talk to me about anything."

"Thanks. I gotta go. Love you." I tell her quickly and hang up. Well that was awkward. I sigh and put my phone on my nightstand.

The door opens and a boy with blonde hair walks in with a backpack in hand.

"Hey." he smiles. "Hi." I reply. "I'm Niall, I think I'm your roommate." he says. "I'm Louis. I think I'm your roommate too." I chuckle.

"Cool man. Could you help me with these boxes?" he asks warmly. I nod.

"Sure, only if you tell me one thing." I say.

"And what's that?"

"Where's the bathroom?"

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