New Faces

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My hands gripped the black strap that was attached to my bag. Swinging that arm back and forth as I then let go of the bag, making it go flying in to a corner of the room.

I walk towards the made up bed and lazily flopped down on it as a soft sigh escaped my lips. Tired from driving so long and also happy to have a break, an have a nice peaceful sleep with no one bothering me to do something.

As I kept relaxing on the bed, I heard Meghan moving around the room until she stopped at the old dark brown wooden door to the motel room we rented for a day.

"Faith, I'm going out to buy some food." She said with a bit of confidence in her voice.

"Oh okay, do you know where the food place is?" I asked as I turned my head to look at her small figure standing in front of the door with her back facing me.

"No not really, but I'll be ask one of the people that works here." She said back to me as her pale hands gripped the door handle an pushing it open, as I watch her walk out of the room. With the door closing behind her. A quiet click and my breathing was the only sound that was heard in the room.

A laugh escaped my lips as I sat up in to a sitting position on the some what comfy bed. My feet touched the cold wooden floor but I didn't mind it cause it actually felt really nice on my feet, it was relaxing but I sadly had got up and slipped on my shoes.

Walking outside of the room and looking around at my surroundings, since I had no time to when we first got here. The rock floor looked like someone tried to clean out a stain that was on it but gave up after a couple minutes of trying to. It would've been funny to watch the person trying to scrub it out, but also really hard to get a stain out if it was something like blood. But I don't think there would be any kind of fight or murder that has happened here.

My eyes the trailed down to the dirt where there was a bunch of almost dead flowers in the grass at the front of the motel, I guess they were trying to make it look more welcoming to people. But I guess they forgot to water the flower's. Well at least they tried.

I shrugged my shoulders a bit as I felt a chill run up my spine, damn I guess I forgot to wear my jacket but I didn't think it would be that cold. I thought as I raised my eyebrow a bit and kept looking around. Memorizing every single detail until I got bored of it.

I was zoned out in my own little world until something taller then me bumped into me making me fall back a bit, gladly I caught my foot at the last moment. I looked up and was about to yell at the guy who bumped into me until me an his eyes met.

Apple green with ocean blue, I opened my mouth a bit as I was about to say something but before I could he spoke up.

"Oh so sorry about that babe." He said with his deep but not to deep voice, it sounded perfect to me.

"Oh umm ya its okay." I said back with a light nod as a smile tugged at my lips.

And that was all he said after sending me a wink then leaving. I felt a bit of heat raise up to my cheeks, dammit it was cause of him. Just cause he's good looking doesn't mean he can just leave. I actually wanted to talk to him a bit more but nope that's not happening at all.

So I decided to walk back into my room and close the door behind me as I started to strip off my clothes, pulling over a over sized t-shirt over my head and onto my curvy figure.

 I was about ready to give up on staying up and doing stuff, and just sleep until the sun comes out. But nope God didn't give me that chance when a loud knock on my door decided to wake me up from my thoughts. I lazily trudged towards the door with my brown hair in a messy ponytail and a bitch face showing.

I gripped the doorknob and opened the door not even bothering sounding friendly right now cause they interrupted my soon to be sleep.

"Yes?" I could even hear the annoyance in my voice when I said that.

A males cough was soon to be heard after that, I looked up but was looking at a guys chest. I then looked up a bit higher to see a guy with brown hair and a light blush dusting his cheeks as he looked away.

"U-Um miss, have you seen my brother by any chance walk or run by your room?" He asked as he then looked down at me.

"What does he look like cause I may have seen him, a guy bumped into me in the hall when I was spacing out a couple of minutes ago." I said as I ran my hand through my hair but soon again realizing it was in a ponytail which caused me to mess it up so much more.

"You did? Did he have short hair and was about this tall?" He asked and put his hand up above my head a bit more showing how tall the man he was looking for was.

"Oh if I think about it yes, yes he did." I soon remembered the male's face with his sharp jawline and his short dirty blonde-ish hair.

  My eye's kept looking up at his face as I took in every single detail of him, how tall he was, how his face looked when he was worried. It was cute but I didn't even know his or his brothers name. That's okay though, it's not like I'll ever meet them again.

He looked down at me as he nodded his head and put on a fake smile, I could tell it was forced cause all my smiles are like that.

"Thanks." He said as he looked down at me one more time before walking away and looking for his brother again.

I watched as he walked away but hey not in a creepy stalker way though.

Funny thing though was that he reminded me of a awkward moose, a quiet laugh was heard as I thought of that.


I sat up from the bed with a mess of blankets surrounding me as something finally dawned on me, WHERE THE HELL WAS MEGHAN. She wasn't back yet and she left last night.

Shit this isn't good at all, I jumped out of bed as I ran to my bag and throwing on my favorite outfit.

Shit this isn't good at all, I jumped out of bed as I ran to my bag and throwing on my favorite outfit

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(( The outfit above is the outfit that faith will be wearing )))

After I got into my clothes and actually looked decent for once, I grabbed my keys to my baby and ran out the door but with my oh so lovely luck I bumped into someone. Dammit how many times is this going to happen to me? I asked myself and then looked up to see the guy from last night who was searching for his brother.

"Oh my umm I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking and I'm in a rush." I said a bit to fast but was surprised that he understood what I said.

"It's fine and whats wrong?" He asked as I looked down at me.

"My friend Meghan hasn't came back since last night and I'm getting really worried something happened to her." I said in a worried tone as I looked around to see if she was maybe around here but with no luck I only saw the tall  man in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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