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We all followed Principal Brown to his office. He sat down. "Please sit." said Principal Brown. I had never been in the Principal's office before. "So would you like to tell me where you have all been?" Principal Brown looked directly at Julian. The room was so silent I swear I heard a pin drop. "Well-" I started to say until Julian interrupted. "Principal Brown it was my idea, you shouldn't punish Chloe, Nick and Fab". "Regardless of whose idea it was Mr.Casablancas you're all getting a detention. After school on Wednesday." Principal Brown started to write on the detention slips and handed them to us.

"That was a close one" said Nick. "Um Nick, we just got a detention" I said, the boys started to laugh "A detention is nothing" Julian replied. The bell went which meant school was over. Nick and I started to walk home. "I know you like Julian" Nick said as he nudged me. I bit my lip and smiled. "Don't say anything to him" I would probably die of embarrassment. "You know I won't" replied Nick. I was finally home when my phone rang. It was Julian. "Hey Chloe I was just wondering if you wanted to do something together one day" He sounded so nervous. "Like a date?" I giggled. "Um I guess so". "Sure! Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow night?" I said. "Okay I'll pick you up at 8". "Okay, see you then" I pinched myself, this better not be a dream. I wanted to tell Nick but I guess it would be very awkward since he was also friends with Julian. 

The next morning while walking to school with Nick, I really wanted to mention my date with Julian but Nick bet me to it. "I hear someone has a date tonight". I had the biggest grin on my face, it was really embarrassing. We made our way to the school's car park where Fab and Julian were smoking next to Julian's car. As soon as Julian saw Nick and I coming he put out his cigarette and walked towards us. "Hi Chloe" Julian said as he hugged me. "Hi Julian" I hugged back. "Aww come here Fab baby" said Nick as flung his arms open to hug Fab. Julian and I started laughing. The bell rang and the four of us started to walk up to our lockers. Julian held my hand as we walked up.

It was the end of school and I realized that I have my date with Julian tonight.I had no idea what I was going wear. I had finished getting ready when the door bell rang. I practically ran down the stairs and opened the door. It was Julian. "Hey Chloe, ready to go?" he said, he smelt like cigarettes. "Yep, let's go" I was trying to remain as calm as possible although my heart was beating out of my chest. We both got into Julian's car and started driving to the cinema.

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