Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

"What are you looking at me like that for...?" He frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, probably trying to look intimidating. 

It doesn't work.

"Well you see.. The only place for the keys to be are right there-" I point to the front pocket where there is an obvious bump that has the keys in it. "-and I am obviously not gonna be the one who puts my hand down there so..." I tilt my head toward the guard, indicating Ashton start looking.

"What the hell makes you think that I'm gonna be the one to search for them?" I hold back the giggle at the horrified expression on his face at having to go anywhere near the guards... Special assets.

"Come oooooon. You're the Alpha you supposedly shift with them all the time correct?" He nods his head slowly, not getting where I'm going with this sentence.

"Great so then considering you've already seen him naked you won't have a problem in searching." I clap my hands together dramatically before standing and motioning with my hands that he should start searching.

He glares at me and stays where he is. We end up staying in a glaring contest for a considerable amount of time before he sigh a very loud and frustrated sigh. I smile in victory only for my smile to widen at the obvious discomfort on his face. 

I giggle as he crouches down and turns his face away while his hand reaches down into the guards pocket. 

My giggle turns into a full blown laugh as he retracts his hand and looks at the other pocket in horror, knowing he has to search that one as well.

He does the same routine, crouch down, put hand near pocket, turn face away in disgust, search pocket, move away.

"The keys aren't there Madeline." He growls out, clearly unhappy at having to do that which of course makes me giggle once again.

"I know." His head snaps up at my admission.

"You what?" His voice borders on a growl, telling me he's pissed. 

"I found the keys in his breast pocket, just thought I'd have some fun while you were so relaxed." I laugh once again at how his face contorts from anger to confusion to full out horror.

"You mean.. I touched my own pack members... Baby producer... So you could have fun?!?!?!" He roars out, my wolf wants to submit to him knowing that he's angry and he's technically our Alpha but my human side is having way too much fun with this.

"Yep, now if you'll excuse me." I walk past him, pulling out the keys from my pocket along the way. I flip through them before I find the right key and open the door.

"Have fun with him, you know since he's unconscious? Who knows what could happen if he wakes up, he may like you just as much as you like him!" I see him lunge at me so I quickly slam the metal door shut, smiling to myself when I hear the loud thud of his body hitting the door.

When the noise doesn't come again I turn around and look at where I am. Its sort of the same as the hallway that leads to this door, long and narrow with cells lining both sides of the walls. Extremely creepy but whatever.

I slowly walk down the hall, looking into each cage to see if Anthony was in any of them. I walk farther along the wall until I get to a lone cell that is separated from the others. I smile in victory when I see Anthony sitting against the wall near the door.

He looks in ok shape, a couple bruises here or there but nothing we can't fix.

"Anthony?" I whisper yell so that I don't necessarily scare him but also so I don't have to repeat myself and wake everyone else in the cells.

His head turns towards me sharply at my voice, I probably surprised him that I came down here.

"Maddie?" He rolls onto his side and struggles with getting up but eventually does.

"Hey, how are you?" I try to keep my voice soft so he doesn't know the severity of his injuries through the pain in my voice. I put him here. After he moved more into the light from the hallway I got to see the extent of his injuries. Not pretty whatsoever.

"Been better, you? That Alpha treating you right?" He leans himself against the bars on the cell, his body probably not having the energy to keep him upright for very long considering how much energy its probably using to heal his wounds.

"Yeah he's treating me fine. Hey, what do you say about some time out of the cell?" He looks up at me at my suggestion, probably not expecting me to have a way to get him out.

"What are you saying?" He seems suspicious but willing to participate.

I hold the keys up and see his eyes light up with excitement at being allowed out of the cell which makes my heart squeeze painfully in guilt knowing that I'm part of the reason that he's in here.

I smile, pushing away the guilty thoughts and focus on getting him out. I flip through a number of keys before finally finding the one I need. I unlock his cell and push the door open.

We smile at each other before I grab his hand and lead him out of this hell hole.


Hey guys! (: So I don't have anything much to say other than I really hope you guys watch the trailer and tell me what you think so we know what to change and everything also let me know if it doesn't work or something! Thanks guys (:

Hope you guys are having and awesome Thursday if you are maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

Give but don't allow yourself to be used. Love but don't allow your heart to be abused. Trust but don't be naive. Listen but don't lose your own voice.

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