// you're my consolation//

En başından başla

"Love you," she said, closing her eyes.

I took her hand in mine and kissed it a few times. Then I moved onto her jaw, her forehead, her nose. I wondered how many hours I would spend in my lifetime, watching and kissing sleeping Claire. None of them would be wasted.

Claire's cool breath tickled my neck as my thoughts became dizzy with delight about her. The first time I saw her when those girls at the club were mauling me and she spilled her drink. The first time I kissed her, which was about 30 minutes after the first time I saw her. I didn't see the point in waiting around. When I was falling, at the speed of light as she and I talked all night in my room. And Claire caught me, that afternoon before her birthday party and I let her touch my hair and I knew then. I knew, she was enough. She was it all.

I groaned a little, unsettled by how selfish I was being as my eyes and hands grazed longingly over her body. She was wearing a 1975 tank and a lavender little pair of what she reffered to as "shorts" but were basially panties.

Three days. It had been three days since I'd had sex with her.


Again, since the first night we made love, Claire had yet to spend a day without one or more parts of my body inside of her, pleasing her, worshipping her. I tended to like it that way. And after seven weeks of uninterrupted passion, perhaps the infatuation was starting to die down.


Seven weeks.


No pesky four-day visits from mother nature.


Claire was tired a lot.She kept eating sour things like she needed them to breathe. She had gained a little weight, but I wasn't complaining because it all went to her already gorgeous bum.

Subconciously, my hand traveled down to her belly and I rested it there, watching her heavenly face as she slept.


Claire's POV.

The morning was running smoothly. The trees outside were vibrant with oranges, golds, reds and browns. Oliver was happy as as clam, enjoying his toast topped with Nutella and a banana. I was enjoying the same, plus three cups of coffee. I needed the energy.

Matty was still sleeping, but I was anticipating him waking up. He usually did around the time I had my third cup of coffee. I was itching to steal one of his cigarettes and sneak outside, but I'd likely have to wait until he was awake or Oliver's parents had picked him up.

I jotted my to-do list as Oliver and I ate together.

1. Finish "As I Lay Dying"; make detailed notes for character analysis.

2. Buy dress for the Daniels' anniversary party

3. Schedule follow-up with doctor

4. Girls lunch date tomorrow?

5. Deep clean house before mother judges me

I finished the remainder of the coffee and lost myself in my thoughts for a moment. I was getting overwhelmed with everything, and since I hadn't spoken to my human Xanax (aka George Daniel) in a while, I was having serious withdrawls.


We had all truly hurt each other. I had disappointed George; Matty had broken George's heart; George had nearly broken Matty's face.

I loved Matty. I know it hasn't been long since I've known him, and that his body and personality are made for breaking hearts, but it was a risk I would take.

Eyes Bright, Uptight {EDITING} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin