Chapter 7

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"It's a miracle!" I am now at the hospital getting my eyes checked. "H-her eyesight! It returned!" I saw the doctor dancing. A man came in "Akase!" It was my father "father! I can see you!" He hugged me. Let's go home Akase. We left the room and went down the elevator.

I am sitting in my father's car. I looked out the window and saw 1 billion twinkling spots on the black night sky. "Are those stars?" I asked my father. He nodded.
I suddenly remembered kissing Akashi. I started to blush furiously. I put my hands on my cheeks, they felt burning hot. Then that made me remember the marriage!

I opened my eyelids. I saw a white ceiling. I sat up and saw my bedroom. Last night I fell asleep on the bed as soon as my head hit the pillow. I took a shower and changed into new clothes. I went down stairs for breakfast. "Akase, goodmorning" "goodmorning father" today's breakfast was miso soup and rice. The food looked so delicious!

I am now at the gym. I had finished eating my breafast and now I am practicing basketball. I saw high the hoop was and I thought how did I manage to even dunk?! I ran towards the hoop and jumped, I managed to dunk the ball. I wiped my forehead with a cloth and got change back into clean clothes.

Bzzt it was my phone. I am sitting down on my bed reading a book. I turned my phone on.
Akashi- do you want to go the fair?
Me- okay.
Akashi- meet me in front of your house right now.
I got changed into nicer clothes and walked outside.

I was standing at the fair gates with Akashi next to me. He payed the money for us to get tickets. "What do you want to ride first?" I was thinking... "Haunted house!" "Okay."

I saw this white thing jump in front of me. "Akashi what's that?" "A ghost" "it's not that scary though." We were out of the haunted house. "That wasn't scary enough!" Akashi just had his plain expression. "Let's rise the roller coaster next!" "Okay"

I laughed, the roller coaster was going round and round in circles and going upside down. Akashi smiled. The ride finished. "That was fun!" It was already lunch time. "I didn't bring anything for lunch..." I said quietly... "we'll buy something from a stall."

I was eating some french fries and Akashi was eating takoyaki. I dislike seafood so I decided to get something un-seafoody. "Akase. Open your mouth" "ok?" I openedy mouth. He put a piece of takoyaki in my mouth. I immediately started cringing, "w-wait here!" I ran towards the toilets. I heard him laughing.

I came back clutching my stomach. He was sitting there still smiling. "Baka! You know I hate seafood!" He chuckled quietly. "I know" I thought of a wonderful idea right there on the spot. "Come with me Seijuurou!" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the fair games.

I held the ball in my hand firmly... I aimed and threw. "Hahaha!" I stood there pointing and laughing as Akashi...Seijuurou fell into the water. We were at the hit-the-target-and-make-the-person-fall-into-water-game. He came towards me with a look that told me he wasn't in the best of moods. He have me a evil smile, "now it's your turn!" He dragged me to the seat. He aimed and hit the target. I felt myself plunging into the cold water. "Aah!" I went back out. Now we were both soggy.

We are now now sitting on seats with towels on our heads. I finished drying myself. "Can we go buy some candy floss Seijuurou?" He nodded and we stood up. I ran towards the stall and asked the man for candy floss. I was about to hand in the money when Seijuurou gave him the money. "You should let me pay for that!" "Nope it's my job to pay."

We were sitting on the same benches once again. I was eating my candy floss. "Can I have some?" "Sure!" I passed it to him. He ate the rest, I just looked at him with a bewildered face. "That was my candy floss!" "I paid for it" I couldn't think of a come back. He grabbed my wrist, "follow me."

I am now sitting on the Ferris wheel with Seijuurou. It suddenly stopped at the top. "U-uh what's happening?" "I asked the controller of this ride to stop it for us" "that's going to inconvienience a lot of people Seijuurou!" I shrugged. I looked outside, there was the sun falling beneath the horizon. "What is that called Seijuurou?" I pointed to the sun. "Is it called sun-down?" He smiled "it's the sunset" "oh the sunset." I looked at it. "Seijuurou...Why did I lose my memory and eyesight...and why was I in a come for 11 years?" It was silent for a bit "that's in the past Akase" I grabbed my shoulders. He leaned forwards and kissed me... fireworks started going off in the background. How cliche, I thought. He pulled back and smiled. The Ferris wheel started moving again.

"Bye Seijuurou." "Bye Akase" Seijuurou had dropped me off at my house. I walked into my house.

The Lost Sunset (Akashi Seijuurou x OC) (Finished)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ