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(IM BACKKKK. Yet I bet most of you like.. dont care. But this is it! And it took a lot of motivation to do this so I hope you appreciate it!!)
*Your POV*

You smiled slightly as you packed up your bags with Slender, since you and him were traveling off to Australia.. with all the pretty forests and such and you both agreed that it would be nice and relaxing.. away from the other Pasta's.. smiling, you looked up at him with your deep ____ eyes,

"I'm really glad everything turned out like this.." You smiled as you packed up some books and zipped your suitcase up.. honestly though, this was perfect and you couldn't be any happier,

"Me too.." He smiled softly, turning you and kissing the top of your forehead lightly.. You blushed slightly.. since he still had that affect on you.. and it just made you realize how much you did really care for him..

"Come on Babe, we're gonna miss our flight." You chuckled as you grabbed one of his hands/tendrils and pulled him out of the house.. where you went to the airport and flew over to Australia.. departing off the plane and getting to the small cabin you both rented for the week.. You got there and unpacked everything.. smiling brightly as you looked up at Slenderman and he hugged you from behind..

"This is honestly heaven.." He smiled and you raised and eyebrow.. looking up at him

"Fine." He scoffed,
"The closest thing I can get to heaven" he continued and you smiled as you both kissed each other lightly.. before you headed out into the forest, Finding a small hammock and you lied in his lap...

"You're my queen.." he murmured under his breathe.. You heard him and smiled as you peered up at him

"And you're my king.." You said.. you smiled as he started playing with your hair.. as you stared up at the pretty sky..

"I feel bad though.. you treat me amazingly.. while I force you to practically live with a bunch of... psychopaths." He sighed sadly, looking down at you and you smiled.. looking up at him and sitting up..

"As long as I'm with you.. that's all that'll matter.. we could be on the streets and I still wouldn't mind.. well maybe a little but still" You chuckled, kissing his cheek lip as he held your hand.. playing with your ring..

"I'm glad we think alike.." he smiled softly.. kissing the top of your head before you lied back down onto his lap.. watching the sun set and the stars emerge into the sky.. since.. everything is perfect now.. and always will be..

~~Jeff The Killer~~

You laughed slightly, since your marriage with Jeff.. has been.. oh so fun. He won't leave you alone and he's more sarcastic and witty.. but he is now really romantic when it comes to him trying. And now your in.. jail. Yes. Jail. He thought it'd be great to sneak onto a plane. And try riding it with everyone, across the world.. and that didn't work out. So now both you and him are on one of those metal shaft bed things.. just cuddling and you laughed slightly

"Nice going Jeff.." You laughed.. looking over at him and he sighed..

"I was just trying to have fun.." He sighed sadly.. and you realized he was.. being serious about going somewhere and he probably had things planned.. and guilt washed over you.. for what you said before..

"Hey.. don't feel bad.. I mean.. we're together now.." You smiled, trying to make up for your little sarcastic comment you had made only moments before..

"Yeah.. but I had this whole thing planned.. and I was just trying to do this the fun way and we could sneak around like in all those movies.. I'm sorry ____.. I ruined our honeymoon.." he sighed sadly looking over at you, kissing your forehead lightly

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