Start from the beginning


Sumerians believed in many gods. Their gods were represented by objects such as the sun, moon and sky. They did not believe in punishment after death. They buried their dead with personal property such as jewelry so that spirits of the dead could not return to disturb them.



The Mesopotamian civilizations made many contributions to mankind. These innovations have continued to influence development in the contemporary world.

Science and mathematics and agriculture

Sumerian scientists made many contributions in mathematics and science. They developed algebra and methods for measuring distance, area and quantity. Their knowledge of astronomy was used to design the calendar. They developed a number system based on 60 which formed the basis for making watches/clocks and compasses. In agriculture Sumerians developed the system of irrigation and introduced the use of ploughs. They also domesticated crops such as the oil palm.

Literature and writing

The invention of writing known as cuneiform helped preserve knowledge which also allowed the preservation of data, religious traditions, beliefs and rituals, preservation of customs and collection of myths and stories. Mesopotamia contributed to the literary works which are still available today. An example is the Epic of Gilgamesh which talks about friendship, relations between human beings and gods plus the meaning of life and death. These stories helped people reflect on moral issues.

Architecture and metal work

Sumerians contributed a lot in the science of building. They built houses made of sun dried bricks and introduced structural designs such as arches and domes. These have been used to improve architecture. Mesopotamian metal workers discovered bronze by mixing tin and copper. They also started the use of iron. The use of bronze and iron resulted in stronger implements. This improved production, for example, in agriculture.

The wheel and vehicles

Mesopotamians discovered the use of the wheel around 3500BC. Apart from potters’ wheels, wheels were used in the manufacture of wheeled carts and wagons which helped improve transportation of goods. Mesopotamians also built sailing ships. This improved water transport and trade with India, Persia, and Arabia among others.

Government and law

Through city-states and centralization of power, Mesopotamians created institutions which extended authority in their communities. This idea was borrowed by other states and helped create stable societies. Hammurabi’s code of law provided a background for setting up written laws in different countries. This helped improve systems of justice.


The emergence of civilization in Mesopotamia was a result of attempts to solve problems that faced people in Sumer. It resulted in many innovations which have helped improve livelihoods in different parts of the world.


Bentley, H.J & Ziegler, F.H (2006), Traditions Encounters: A Global Perspective of the Past, Volume A, From the Beginning to 100, Third Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.

Brinton, C., Christopher, J.B & Wolf, L.R (1967), A History of Civilisation, Vol.1, Prehistory to 1715, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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