The Scary Truth: The Beginning (Nekozawa X Haruhi)

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(Yamato was now running away from Nekozawa, screaming and flailing. Haruhi watches this all happen while thinking what reasons Nekozawa could be doing this. Yes, Tamaki stepped on Beelzenef in the hallway once. But that doesn't mean Nekozawa should be scaring Tamaki to death).

It seems he doesn't realize this. But he's not scary. I think it's just because he's lonely. He's been lonely for a long time.But he does have friends now. But maybe not in his past. Maybe that's why. I should really stop them before any of the girls come.

(Haruhi walks, slowly and calmly, towards Nekozawa and grabs Beelzenef out of his hand).

"NO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HARUHI?!?! YOU'RE GOING TO BE CURSED FOR LI-" I interrupted, "Nekozawa. If you don't stop scaring Tamaki right now, I will rip Beelzenef in half right now."

(Nekozawa smirks at first. But then he sees that Haruhi puts both her hands on Beelzzenef as though she was really going to rip it in half. Now he's worried as hell. But the he thought of a good idea).

"Well if you rip him in half, how about I tell all the girls who you really are???" He tries to threaten.

"Don't care. I'll be their dog again. I don't mind doing their errands now. So go ahead if you want me to rip him in half," I reply.

Now he's frightened.

"O-okay fi-fine!! I'LL STOP!!! For now...." He says.

Close enough. I throw Beelzenef back at Nekozawa. "The girls will be here any second. If you don't want to be part of this host club today, I'd leave. Just saying," I warn Nekozawa, walking away from him.

"Before I leave, I gotta ask," I turn around, "why aren't you scared of me? Everyone is scared of me and my friends in MY club. But why aren't you???"

"Because," I say, "Truthfully, you're not scary at all. All you are is lonely. No matter if you have your own club friends, you're still lonely inside. That's why you always have and care so deeply about Beelzenef. I know how it feels to be lonely. And I can see it in you. You can't lie about this one. No matter what you say, I know you're just lonely in the inside. Or maybe it's your past. Who knows. But it's either one of those two."

(Everyone just stares at Haruhi with surprise. Even Nekozawa, which no one can tell because his face is hidden by the shadow of his hood. Haruhi ignores the fact everyone's amazed at what she said. She just goes to the seat where the girls would meet her [or him to the girls]).

I turn around to Nekozawa. "Nekozawa. You should leave. You don't want to be caught up with the girls in the club here, do you?" I say.

(Nekozawa snaps out of the surprised-ness he was in. He nods to Haruhi and he's off to his own club).


(Nekozawa's mind was still processing what just happened as he's walking through the corridore, to his club).

What......what does could she it that obvious???

(Soon enough he gets to his club in the basement. Everyone was waiting for him. But they knew he was just scaring Tamaki. But when he got back they all looked at him in confusion. What they don't realize is that he's got this new feeling inside him that he's never had. Truthfully, he doesn't even realize what it is. It's pretty obvious to normal people. It's a little something normals like to call 'love').

"What's the matter, Nekozawa??? Like regulars say: You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong???" One of the club members ask.

"It''s nothing. Nothing you should worry about......" I try to say calmly.

"Something's wrong. We can tell. And you have to tell us," the same member says.

"I......don't know......truthfully.......I can't explain chest feels like it's swelling up from the's.....odd....even for me......" I try to explain.

"I've heard of something like that. But you can't have that! It's not you! You're never in love! You promised too!" One of my members say. They used to be normal a little while ago. But we changed him.

"'In love', is it??? No. It can't be. I don't think so......I've never felt it I wouldn't know...."

He replies with, "but I have. I was normal a little bit ago. I've felt love before. It's just the same as you say......I'm sorry but you're in love......"

"I.....I think I should just go home....think about this for a bit.....I can't have this......" I say. They agree and I head home.

(Nekozawa is walking down the corridors. He then hears the girls of the host club walking out. It seems the club has ended for the day. He hides behind the corner to watch and see if Haruhi comes out or not. After a while of waiting, the hosts come out. But not Haruhi. He's wondering where she could be. Soon enough, she comes out. He watches her as she locks the door behind her and walks towards him.

(Nekozawa tries using run, undetected! Oh no! Can't escape without notice because of Haruhi's great detecting skills!).

"Nekozawa??? Is that you???" she says out loud. Oh shit! She noticed!


(Nekozawa tries to run away as fast as he can without her running after him. It works.....but he dropped Beelzenef before he even started running. It's in the spot where he was standing. She turns the corner and sees Beelzenef on the ground. She picks up Beelzenef knowing Nekozawa wouldn't like it if he was lost).

"Don't worry Beekzenef. I'm not going to hurt you. I just threatened to rip you because we need Nekozawa out. I'm sorry for hurting you if I did. I promise I won't rip you in half!" I say to Beelzenef.

I know he's just a puppet but I like to talk to toys as though their people. Like Nekozawa. But I'm worried he forgot Beelzenef here. I wonder what happened to him? I know I saw him.....


(Nekozawa has run out of the school and is far away. He can't return now. It's too late).

"Okay!! I think I got away safely! I hope she didn't notice us, Beelzen-" I look down at my hand and see he's not there, "BEELZENEF?!?! NO!! I LOST YOU!!! HOW?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!"

I try to think where I could have left him. Then I remember I last had him when I was watching Haruhi....

And I know it's too late to go back to school. I just hope that someone found him and isn't hurting him. Or throws him away. Oh gawd. MIND STAHP!!!

(Nekozawa soon gets home. He goes straight to his room and flops right on his bed. He starts to think of what happened today. And what his newest member had told him....).

'I'm sorry but you're in love'

No. I'm not going to believe this. Not one bit. I'll never be in love. I don't think I even should.......I'm a danger to people. And why would I be in love......I mean I'm not normal.

She is though.....but yet she's not......I mean she's a girl disguised as a guy. Hangs out with all guys. She flirts with girls. But then again, that's the job of a host......but she's not normal yet she is......she's got guy hair too. But it is kinda cute. And she's got beautiful eyes........WAIT WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!?! I CAN'T BE THINKING THIS STUFF!!!!

(He shakes the thoughts out of his head. Well....he tries to....but it doesn't work very well. He keeps thinking about her. Every time, he blushes at the thoughts. No, it's nothing nasty. It's how beautiful he thinks she is. He starts to yell in his pillow because he thinks he doesn't like these thoughts. But in reality, he does. He just doesn't want to accept it yet. Soon enough he falls asleep with pleasant dreams of him and Haruhi. Not even waking up all night at those dreams).




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