Chapter One

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As I chugged down the railway line lightning bolts flashed all around me. Sizzling and roasting the air, making my engines warm to immense proportions. I gradually slowed down until my engines couldn't take any more. The fat controller was over 50 miles away so I couldn't call for help, I was worried the lightning would strike me as I just didn't have the stamina to move. Suddenly a huge pounding noise penetrated my ears causing them to ring. I looked to the sky expecting to see the twin towers falling, but instead, there was long golden hair...

The figure looked like an angel, his long hair shone in the moonlight and my coal twitched in anticipation. He was carrying something in his palm but I couldn't make it out, it looked like a hammer but the top was almost the shape of a brick ? My dirty mind suddenly questioned how big his other hammer would be, but as he drew closer I realised I wouldn't have to question his dick size too long. He was in fact naked. Fuck.

All 12 inches of him stood up proudly almost reaching the top set of his toned muscly abs. "Chuga-chuga" I puffed out, hoping he'd sense my confusion and not my growing lust. His lips twitched and he gave me a predatory smile.

"Are you stuck there kitten ?" He questioned teasingly. His voice was like honey and I wanted it to completely cover me. My furnace flames blazed and I couldn't hide the satisfaction on my face as I replied hesitantly, "ch-choo ch-ch-choo".

At this point he had reached me, and his fingers grazed the side of me. Finally grabbing onto my door handle and tugging it a few times. I knew I would steam everywhere if he continued doing it.
"Can daddy fix you ?" He whispered into the casing of my train.

Slowly he came back into my vision and began to stroke himself in front of my face. He pumped his hand slowly, his dick teasing my tongue as it let out a few drops of pre cum. "Achuggga chuggggggg" I moaned licking my lips, I needed to taste him. "Oh kitten" he purred rubbing the head of his dick "you want.... a taste?". I could feel my furnace was about to explode and I quickly nodded my head. I would have daddy crying in pleasure, I'd make sure he was always wanting to come back for more.

"Okay kitten open up, here comes the.... train" he said with a wink. And with that his dick slammed into my mouth, his balls banging against my chin. He would dent me if he didn't slow down, but fuck, I didn't care one bit. His saltiness hit my taste buds, he tasted beautifully and I would starve if I didn't get to taste the rest of his load. I sucked on him like a lollipop, licking at the tip and clenching my lips around the bottom. I could feel him growing tense in my mouth, and with one final stroke his warm pearly liquid hit the back of my throat like a wave. The fat controllers cum had never been this sweet, and I wanted, no, needed more!

He looked down at me with a sickly sweat smile and cocked his head to the side "you're a good little whore aren't you?". I blushed furiously looking down at the ground, I wanted daddy to think I was deserving of him, but he only thought of me as a whore. Tears streamed down my face causing my face to turn a blotchy red.

However as I looked up I noticed he was reaching behind his head and with one swoop he.... he.... he WHAT ?!!! Removed his face ?!!!!!

"Yes, it was I, Igglepiggle !!!!!!" He taunted.

No, it couldn't be ?! My arch enemy Igglepiggle ?! How had he escaped the clutches of Macca Pacca?!!! It was then that I noticed the red blanket, and with one majestic swoop he held it to my face. I couldn't breathe ?! I was trying to but the blanket had cut off all the air, leaving me gasping. The last thing I saw before I died was the MTV prank crew high fiving igglepiggle for his good work, and with that, I died.

In memory of Thomas the dank engine


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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