
"Yeah. Sorry, go enjoy your night. I'm sure that he's great at sex and all of that." I leant down and kissed his cheek before awkwardly making my way through the crowd of dancing bodies and to the curb outside the club where I requested an uber. Some part of me hoped that he would come busting through the doors of the club and tell me he wanted to be together forever but it didn't happen.

Dave was lovely, though. He was my uber driver and we had a great conversation about his cats and his record collection while he drove.

I showered after getting home and got into an old t-shirt and boxers, collapsing on the couch before watching cartoons in my drunken state. The silence of the apartment sounded louder than ever, even with Danny Phantom yelling at me.

Around two in the morning, there was a knock at the door which I decided not to answer. The only person who knocks on someone's front door at that time of night is a murderer or a spirit of some sort. Well, that's what I learnt from horror movies at least. I only opened it when my phone buzzed with Mitch's vibration tone, telling me to let him in.

I numbly walked to the door and unlatched it, cautiously opening it and then standing in the doorway like an idiot.



"I forgot my key."

"I figured."

"Can I come in?"

"It's your apartment too."

"Can you move out of the way?"

"I can." After a moment I realised what he meant and shuffled out of the way, sitting back down in front of the television and continuing to watch cartoons. I wasn't sure whether it was the drunkenness caused by the drinks at the bar and the empty bottle of wine on the table, or the tiredness due to the fact that it was three am, but I was not doing well at actually responding to the fact that Mitch was home.

"I broke up with Luke." He said softly, standing behind the television so that he was in my peripheral vision.

"That's shit. I'm sorry." I wish I could say that I looked away from the television, but I didn't.

"Scott? Can you turn this fucking thing off and have a normal conversation with me about this?"

"Fine. Come sit." I moved so that my limbs weren't taking up the entire couch and turned off the television.

"Thank you. Like I said, I broke up with Luke."

"I feel like I'm supposed to act sad, but I'm actually really relieved." Wrong thing to say. "I'm here to talk if you want though, no weirdness just support."

"I feel like we need to work through the weirdness though." Great, the one thing I didn't want to do.

"Okay, yeah. We can do that."

"You are so drunk. Maybe we should do this in the morning."

"No! There's no way I can be honest and not have a hangover that lasts over twelve hours."

"Good point. Do you want to talk now?"

"Yeah, I think so. Look, I know this is a weird way to start this conversation, but you know all of those times that we read dumb fanfiction about us?"


"And you know how all of the time the biggest issue for fake Scott and fake Mitch is the fact that everything will change?"


"I wasn't worried about that until recently. Until I realised how important you were as my best friend and I knew that there was no way I'd be able to live without you by my side. Also I mentioned possibly dating you to Esther because I couldn't trust Kirstie not to tell you and she was supportive but she also said that if we break up the band she'll kick me in the face."

"I'm really not sure where you're going with this Scott..."

"I think what I'm trying to say is that I love you. Like, really love you. But we're always under so much pressure and we might fight and I don't know what to expect so I don't want to mess up what we have already. I would suffer watching you make out with Luke every day if it meant that I would never lose you as my number one."

"Scott, do you know why I broke up with Luke only a few hours ago?"

"Because he's a beautiful artsy photo-taking douchebag and you think I'm a billion times better?"

"No. Because I realised that while he was my boyfriend, you were still the most important person in my life. No matter who I dated, you would always be the most important person in my life. So even if we just stay as friends and grow old together, I'm fine with it because no man will ever be more important than you. We're strong enough that no matter what happens, we'll always be the endgame. I don't want to give up on us before we've started because there might be a bump in the road a year from now. Do you want to try and make this work?"

"You know, I knew that if I told you how I felt that you'd try to convince me that we'd be okay. I didn't realise that it was exactly what I needed. You're right. It's pointless to hold back because there might be a possible problem. We can get through anything."

"You need to promise me that you'll come to me when we have problems though." He crawled onto my lap and ran his fingertips across my temples. "This brain is beautiful but it's also very good at making up problems that aren't there. Or that are easily fixed. We need to talk to each other, okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry Mitchy." His forehead was pressed against mine and I felt his fingertips move from my temples to my hair, sending a shiver down my spine and slowly relaxing me. I opened my mouth to speak but ended up shutting it again.

"What's up?" He frowned slightly.

"It's just... Fucking hell you're beautiful." I sighed and closed the small distance between us. I planned to stop when I was almost touching his lips, but Mitch had other plans.

He closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.

Like, a real kiss. It wasn't the joking kisses and pecks we've shared over the years and it wasn't the inexperienced kisses we had as teenagers. This was perfect.

His lips were soft yet firm, pleading yet demanding. I shuffled forward as I tried to get more of him, as I tried to feel more of his body pressed against mine. I knew I was never going to be able to get enough of him as I kissed him that first time, our heads tilting slightly to the right and his bottom lip fitting between mine.

His tongue didn't ask for entrance before it was sliding up underneath my top lip, drawing a soft groan from the back of my throat. I eventually pulled back, not sure when he moved to sit in my lap or how my hands ended up on his ass but I wasn't mad about it.

"So what does that make us?" I voiced the question that was banging around my mind like a squash ball.

"What do you want it to make us?" The right hand corner of his lips curled up and he tilted his head slightly as he looked at me. I had to focus more on his question to distract myself from kissing that stupid smirk off of his face.

"I'd ask you to be my boyfriend but I don't want to move this too fast. Mitchell, will you go on a date with me?"

"Nah." My face must have fallen pretty fast because he giggled and shook his head. "I was kidding. Yes. I just wanted to know how it'd feel."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Of course he would. "How did it feel?"

"Great!" He grinned and I gasped before reaching my hands out to tickle him. He squealed and squirmed until I gave in to his pleas, kissing him and carrying him to bed. 

I could get used to living like this for the rest of my life.

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