I sniffed, the lump in my throat growing as I held back tears.

"Are you crying?"

"No," I snapped, sending him a glare of my own. "D-Daddy always said crying never gets you anything," I roughly rubbed my eyes, my body slowly caving, as a sob escaped my throat. "I'm n-not crying...!"

I felt him stare at me as I rubbed my eyes, crying quietly. "You have no place to stay, am I right?"

I nodded, sniffing loudly.

He sighed. "Come on. I can't have you out here alone," he reached out, taking my hand.

I flinched, then let him tug me away. "Wh-where are we going?"

"My quarters."

I frowned, wiping my nose with my sleeve. "Like... a house?"

He nodded.

"What is your name?"

"Google. Yours?"

"(Y/N)," I murmured. "Is your name really Google?"

"Yes, I am a Google Prototype. You can give me objectives to complete, or ask me any question. My first objective is to answer any question as quickly and as accurately as possible. My second obiective is to destroy humanity."



I stared up at him, chewing my lip. He must have been joking... he doesn't look serious, or amused, just... blank. There was no emotion. But I guess I kinda felt that way now. I didn't want to laugh, and I didn't want to cry. I just wanted to fall asleep.


"Yes?" He sighed.

"Will you carry me?"

He stopped, and couched, picking me up so my head could rest on his shoulder.

"Thank you."

Google continued to walk, completely silent.

Why Mommy...? Why Daddy...? Why did you leave me?

Googleplier's Point of View:
She fell alseep almost as soon as I picked her up, her arms wrapped around my neck. It was strange. I had just cleaned up from killing Matthew Frederick, and was walking back to my residence, when I spotted (Y/N). My legs seemed to have a mind of their own, and headed straight for (her/him). (She/He) was different from what I thought a child would act like. I was expecting some whining, or begging, but I didn't get any of that. If anything, (she/he) was defensive.

It drew my attention in, making slightly confused. Kinds are only spoiled brats, right? Nothing more, everything less. Right?

(Y/N) didn't seem to be the case though.

I wasn't lieing when I told (her/him) that (her/his) parents had most likely abandoned (her/him). One look at (her/his) clothes said it all. They didn't have a lot of money, and most likely fought about it. It isn't uncommon for parents to drop their kids off at places, then just leave them there, in fact its becoming a trend of sorts. Each day, kids are being left in stores, on the side of highways, and in parking lots like candy wrappers.

It's ridiculous.

I sighed as my house came into view. I'm not sure why I'm taking (Y/N) to my place, to be honest. It... slipped out of my mouth... I need to check my programming once I get home. This is unlike me. I will have to kill (her/him) eventually, but I have a feeling that if I let (her/him) stay for too long, I will become attached.

I can't let that happen. I will have to finish it quickly.

I cannot fail my objective.

Omg, I have so many stories in mind... And I really need to start working on finishing my other stories... Septic Eyes is still my main focus. I've just been busy with school, and connecting with people. ^-^

I've been a really big fan of Googleplier for a while, and I thought I'd make an X Child! Reader for him, considering I haven't found any new, good stories for Google. I'm such a picky reader... ;-; but I do try to read your stories if you ask me to take a look.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. I will take suggestions for this story so if there is something you'd like to see happen, and it will go along with the basic story well, I'll put it in, and tag you in the chapter(s). Vote if you liked it, and comment if you have anything to say! I love hearing from you guys! Thanks for reading!

Overridden: A Googleplier X Child! Reader X Bingsepticeye (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now