This I Love

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It had been a while since Octavia took off to Arkadia, and left Bellamy chained up in the cave. He knew this was what he deserved after everything he's done, including deserting his own when they needed him the most. Maybe it was the quietness of the cave that drove him crazy in this own thoughts, or maybe it was the hunger pains that were shooting through his stomach.

Bellamy dug through his jacket pocket with what little movement he could manage against the chains, and pulled out a small ration bag of jobi nuts. The same nuts that caused the others to hallucinate back at the dropship when they first landed on the ground. He was hesitant at first, but the pains were starting to get unbearable. Bellamy swallowed hard, and decided he would deal with whatever his mind tormented him with, as long as he could control his hunger until the others came back.

He opened the bag, and popped a few jobi nuts in his mouth, his stomach growling for more. The small amount of relief that came with every bite was enough for him to down the whole bag in a few seconds. Bellamy felt slightly less hungry than he had before, but now he dreaded the effects of the nuts.

(Y/N) walked in the cave, holding a small bowl of water in her hands. She made her way to where Bellamy sat, noticing the empty bag that laid next to him. She picked it up, trying to remember what it was that the bag used to contain. And when she did, she quickly set the bowl down. (Y/N) grabbed Bellamy's face, forcing him to look at her. "What the hell were you thinking, huh?"

Bellamy opened his eyes, confused as to who was talking to him, and why she sounded so familiar. "(Y/N)?" His leaned his head against her hand, trying to find her warmth, but he was only met with her cold skin.

She dipped her free hand in the water, and sprinkled it on his face, cleaning the dirt off with her fingers. "You'll be okay."

"How are you here? I thought you... you..." Bellamy's voice broke. The last time Bellamy had seen (Y/N was back on the Ark, and for so long he thought he would never see her again.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm okay. Me and my group found Arkadia a little while ago. I ran into O, she told me where you were." (Y/N) placed her hand on the back of Bellamy's neck, bringing him forward, and placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. "It's okay," She whispered against his face, as she sat on his lap, leaning against his chest.

Bellamy lifted his arms in the air, so he could wrap them around her. "I've missed you so much," He pressed his lips against her head, taking in her scent. "You have no idea how much I've needed you here."

(Y/N) looked at him, brushing the hair away from his face. "I think you've done pretty well without me," She smiled.

Bellamy's lip quivered, and his eyes filled with tears. He looked down, not wanting to look her in the face when he told her of everything he's done. "I messed up," Bellamy sniffled, letting his wall of emotions break down. (Y/N) quickly wrapped her arms around him, leaning his head against her as he cried.

"We all have our weak moments, Bell. I'm sure they'll forgive you, soon." She swayed back and forth gently, trying to calm him down. They spent the next few minutes in silence, almost to the point where they were both asleep.

Bellamy thought of their lives back on the Ark. Having to be conscious of everything he did in order to keep Octavia's existence a secret had begun to take a toll on him. That was until Octavia made an accidental friend when she got curious, and stuck her head out of the room. (Y/N) soon started visiting more often, befriending Aurora and Octavia in the process, and becoming Bellamy's girlfriend.

They were never a normal couple. They were always busy with their careers, but when they did have down time, they would sit on the floor, leaning against the wall as they stared out into the space that surrounded them. Sometimes they would spend it in silence, just holding each other, and other times she would tell him about the constellations. Bellamy loved hearing her talk about the stars, not because he actually cared, but because he loved hearing her voice. She was the only person that he could be vulnerable around.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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This I Love - Bellamy Blake ImagineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora