•Chapter 2•

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Cry Baby- Melanie Martinez

Chapter 2

"Wake up, sunshine!" I heard a perky voice in the background, though I completely ignored it. I wanted to sleep. I was tired and felt my eyes puffy, probably from the hours I'd spent crying last night. "Come on, Rora! It's past 7 Am, you have to wake up!"

"7 Am?" I started complaining, "That's so early!"

"Well, it's life." Still, I didn't get up. Since the woman – it was a female voice – finally understood I wouldn't get up with words, she placed her hands on my arms and started shaking me.

I lost that battle the moment I felt everything in my head shake as well. "Fine, you won!" I told her, before she would go on cause permanent damage. Then, I lifted my torso, rubbed my puffy red eyes and got up gradually. "Happy?"

"Very much." I tried hard to focus on the woman and after some seconds, I succeeded. She seemed pretty young, actually. She probably was just a few years older than me, though she was much prettier. She was beautiful. In fact, she was my exact opposite. She had straight blond hair from what I could see of her ponytail, but dark brown eyes that shimmered thanks to the sunlight that came from my balcony, a tanned complexion and natural red-ish lips. Although she was wearing the maid's uniform, it didn't hide her hourglass figure. When I thought about that, Matt and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Styles' sons, appeared on my mind looking at the woman with hungry eyes.

"I'm Aurora."

"I know. I'm Rebecca, but you can call me Becca like all the world does." So far, she seemed nice. As she pointed at my bed, she started saying, "I have your uniform here. I advise you to get dressed quickly, because we're a little late and we still have to clean up the brothers' rooms."

Oh my god, I'm sure we'd both awaken now, and we had to start cleaning rooms already? Aren't the brothers sleeping like all the world is, but the poor maids?

"And I also advise you to do something to your hair, because if Mrs. Styles sees you working with all of that hair loose, she'll have a heart attack. I suggest you do a braid or a ponytail." Her eyes narrowed as she looked at my so-wild hair. "Maybe... in your case, you better do a braid. Your hair's too wild for a ponytail." She was right. A ponytail wouldn't make such a different since my hair was long.

"Where's the bathroom?"

She raised an eyebrow and pointed at her left. "You have a bathroom in your own room." Oh! I almost forgot that little – and awesome – detail. "With the exception of the Styles, you're the only one who has a bathroom in her own room. Well, I should be going; I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Before she turned around, I asked, "Where's my aunt?"

"Deena went to do some shopping for the party. Don't worry, you're in good hands." And then, she winked her dark brown eye at me, and left me alone.

Since she'd said we had a lot to do, I hurried to the bathroom. I didn't take a bath – I was too late for it, I'd take one at night -, but I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I traded my clothes for that ugly uniform. It was literally ugly! It seemed Mrs. Styles had seen a movie with old maids and picked their uniforms to be ours! At least, it fit me perfectly. Last but not least, I made a long braid with my thick and black hair, and put on some comfortable shoes.

I was officially ready to start working. Unfortunately.

I left my room and went downstairs where I found Becca taking orders from an older woman. "You can clean Matt's room while Aurora can clean Harry's. His is the cleanest so it will be easier for her to get used to this, understood?"

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