Natalie smiled as she looked at the woman who had opened the door. She knew from the picture that Taylor kept who this woman was, "Is Taylor here?" she asked innocently. She was good at being the innocent victim when she wanted to be, "I'm his wife, Natalie."

Feeling her face drop as she listened to the woman Liz felt like she had been kicked in the gut. Taylor was married. He had just sat on her couch saying he came back because of her when he had a wife. How could he have done this? Moving aside so Natalie could come in Liz stayed silent.

Sitting up more when he saw Natalie come in Taylor swallowed hard. How dare she have the nerve to show up here. He hated her and hadn't wanted to see her again.

Going inside Natalie looked around before deciding to change her whole attitude altogether. She was pissed that Taylor would even have the nerve to leave her after just a few short months of marriage, "So you're the my husband is always talking about," she said crossing her arms, her brown eyes going dark. "The one who can't have any babies because of a miscarriage she had," Natalie laughed slightly. "You know I think you deserved to lose that baby. I mean you look like you would have been a terrible mother," Natalie said shrugging. She knew her words were mean but she was pissed.

Standing there as this woman berated her, Liz felt herself get angry. How dare this woman just come to her house and say those things. Going over to her she glared, "How dare you come into my house and insult me," she spat. "I don't care whose wife you are," she muttered before raising her hand and slapping Natalie hard across the cheek.

Zac felt his jaw drop as he watched the scene in front of him. He half wanted to laugh at how much like a soap opera this was. It was kind of pathetic in a way. So pathetic that he wished it was a soap opera. He couldn't believe the bullshit Taylor had pulled when he showed up just to find out though that he had a wife who had just gotten slapped by Liz after she had insulted her.

Staying silent for awhile after slapping Natalie, Liz held her composure together refusing to cry or break down right now. Turning to face Taylor she cleared her throat, "Get your wife and leave my house," she said bitterly.

Nodding Taylor stood up and walked over to Natalie. Grabbing her arm with force he soon escorted her outside. He knew right now it would be best to respect Liz's wishes.

"I thought I told you in my letter that I wanted you to stay in Georgia," Taylor said as he reached his jeep.

Looking at Taylor once they were at his jeep Natalie sighed, "I couldn't do that," she said shaking her head. She had woken up just an hour after he left. Seeing him gone she had, had a mini breakdown then called her mother who had arranged for her to get a way to Tulsa and fast. "I love you too much to let you come chasing after something that is gonna break your heart," she said knowing that Liz was going to break Taylor's heart. From the looks of the toweled man who had been on Liz's couch it seemed like she had already moved on.

Taylor laughed before walking to his side of the jeep, "Yeah well I don't love you," he said honestly. "I plan on divorcing you as soon as I can," he said as he got in his jeep. Once Natalie was in he drove to the nearest hotel staying silent.

Watching Taylor and Natalie leave from the window Liz shook her head, "I can't believe it Zac," she said as she heard her voice crack finally. "Taylor is married and his wife had the nerve to show up here and insult me."

Sighing Zac shook his head. He could kill Taylor for coming back and he could kill Taylor's wife for insulting Liz. What hurt Zac though was that Liz cared that Taylor was married. Liz was his girlfriend now. God he knew it was wrong but he hated Taylor. He hated him for coming back and hurting Liz even more. All Zac wanted for Liz was were for her to be happy. Getting up from the couch he adjusted his towel and walked over to her. Putting his arms around her he pulled her into a hug, "I love you," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"I know you do," Liz said before breaking down in tears. The love of her life was married and a man who loved her deeply was right here holding her in his arms. She felt bad for not returning Zac's feelings. "I know you do," she repeated again as she cried harder.

Zac frowned as he heard and felt Liz start to cry. He hated seeing her cry like this. She had done enough crying because of Taylor. Slowly Zac walked with her over to the radio. Turning it on he smiled hearing "Heaven" by the Los Lonely Boys. Getting an idea he started to sway to the Jamaican beat.

Feeling Zac start to sway to the beat of the song Liz couldn't help but laugh. Zac was always funny like that.

"I knew I could get a laugh out of you," Zac said as he moved away and continuing to dance. He didn't care that all he had on was a towel.

Laughing more as Zac moved away and continued to dance Liz shook her head, "You always make me laugh," she said honestly as she soon started to dance as well. As she danced all of the worries had faded and all that mattered was Zac. He was what she needed right now.

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