Powers and Beloved?

Start from the beginning

"Okay, what are their powers?" I asked curiously.

"All of them are not completely known, but the ones we do know are, like me, mind reading but their are able to search through your memories and sometimes depending on the strength of the mind they can control you, telekinesis is another, kinetic, pyrokinetic, seduction but not in the way you thing, she can control any man or woman just by whispering what she wants after the first time whispering to that person she will just have to think of what she wants you to do, you can't refuse her, she can take any man or woman she wants mated or not, a high level of compulsion, its like mind control but a hell of alot stronger, no mind no matter how strong it is can't fight it and you won't even remember doing what you were told to do or ever seeing them, the last one I know of is unstoppable strength and fighting skill, no one has ever won against that person, no normal weapon can inflict damage or cause pain. I haven't seen any vampire have the power of seduction, compulsion or unstoppable strength, its usually different levels of mind reading, mind control and telekinesis" he explained.

"Okay, that's alot of power and there only the ones you have heard of, they must be quite dangerous" I said.

"Yes they are, most of the have completely given over to the dark side which makes them stronger, some still have their humanity but not alot. The vampires that have given over to the dark side and have a stronger level of one of the powers are usually sought after by the royal family to work as a private guard to their family. Its a great honour to be chosen, you are assigned to a family member to protect and you become their shadow, many vampires that have a strong power and have given over to the darkness try to take out the king and queen or one of their children, that's where the guard comes in, you protected them with your life, but you received the best treatment and life if you are chosen" James explained.

"Wow, they must be great rulers if other vampires are willing to lay their lives down to protect them" I said.

"They are, they have made sure to keep our existence secret, but if you expose our kind, you are as good as dead, you stand trial and if found guilty you are put to death" James explained.

I just nodded, while taking in all this information.

"Okay, enough history for now lets test your fighting skills, dont think to much about it, just let your instincts take over" he said.

The voice in my head perked up, we are not weak, together we can fight anyone and win, we are stronger than any other vampire, we will do this together and show what power we have.

James and I walked to the mat. I let myself combine with the voice just for now but not completely.

James started to circle me as I shook out my arms and neck. A sudden rush of confidence ran through me. I watched James movement closely and looked for weaknesses and I found a few. Every thing around me seemed to slow down as James made his first moved, aiming a punch at my face. Like this his movements looked sluggish, I easily blocked his punch and the one he threw straight after it, I made my own move, moving faster than I have ever moved before, I aimed my fist towards his chest and successfully hit the mark, sending James flying backwards as he hit the ground with a thump two hundred metres away.


                                      He looked shocked with quickly hide it. We circled each other again, this time he dropped to the floor and tried to kick my legs out from under me, but he wasnt quick enough, I jumped up in time to avoid it and in turn I drove my knee up under his chin knocking him onto his back.  I quickly turn around and see James shake off the blow. He came running at me but I jumped into the air and delivered a round house into his face, lifting him in the air and he landed roughly on the ground.

             He smirked at me before he ran towards the wall and grabbed a few small dagger and before I knew what he was doing, I saw the dagger coming straight for me. I didn't move quickly enough and the dagger hit me, I didn't have a chance to do anything before he sent the next dagger towards me, I put my hands up to stop it but something else happened, I felt power leave my body in waves, the dagger coming towards me is now flying backwards towards the wall along with James. He hits the wall with such an impact, the wall crumbled around him before he fell to the floor with a thump.

I stood there shocked, what the fuck did I just do? I then remembered the dagger hitting me and looked down at my body for the wound, but I didn't find one, not a scratch or a drop of blood. I looked up at James to find him shaking off parts of the crumbling wall from his clothes. He turned to me with a huge smile on his face.

"I thought we might find one gift but not two more, your kinetic and you are unstoppable, the dagger didn't even penetrate your skin, it bounced right off" he said.

"I have gifts, this is crazy, one is hard enough to control without adding anymore to it " I said panicking.

"There is a gift we all have, a small amount of compulsion that we use on human to either make them forget we have fed off them, make it pleasurable or painful for the human, a gift of compulsion means you can use it on other vampires" he said, a cold shiver ran up my spine at the memory of the vampire who bite and torture me, making every bite more painful than the first.

"I have used that on humans, but I made it pleasurable but I should of made one painful" I said.

"We normally dont make it painful, I have let the dark side take over but not completely, I make the bite pleasurable, only the darkest vampires make it painful and get enjoyment from it" he said.

"So when I asked you if I gave over to the darkness completely would you help me, you said you were the perfect person, but you haven't given over completely" I said.

"I haven't, if you give over to the darkness completely there is no coming back unless you find your beloved and mate to them, only then can you be brought back, most vampires are so far gone they dont even recognize their own beloved" he said.

"Okay, what is a beloved?" I asked confused.

"A beloved is your other half, your soul mate, you can know just by looking at them or by their touch, you will feel sparks and electricity run through your body, making you feel more alive than ever before" he said, keeping his eyes on mine.

"Have you found yours?" I asked, trying to hide the feeling of jealousy that is building in my chest.

"Yes I have, I have done anything about it yet tough" he said, breaking eye contact.

"why not? if she is your other half, do you not want to be with her?" I asked.

"No, when she could be taken any minute from me, I mate with her and I will be drove mad if I couldnt be with her every second of every day, the love you will feel once you mate is undescriable, you will do anything to keep her happy, kill anyone to keep her safe" he said as he looked at me with an emotion in his eyes that I couldnt figure out.

"That sound beautiful" I said, wondering will I ever have anything like that.

"It is but sometimes when humans are changed they dont realise that they could already be someone beloved and when they are changed by someone who is not their mate they could have another one and the choice between the two can tear that person apart" he explained.

"Oh, that would be hard" I said, but I have never experience love truely, only from a distance.

"How about we try your compulsion, see if you can make me do something, dont say it just think it" he said.

What to make him do, I looked at him and thought of doing a mini strip tease, just his top, I'm dying to see what muscles lay under it but nothing happened. I tried again but still nothing.

"Dont think that's a power I got" I said.

He was about to answer but his phone started to ring. He ran over and picked it up and started talking. After a few minutes he hung up,

"I think we have just found out why your appearance has been changing" James said with a smile.



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