One Helluva Day

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Ship: Malec

Category: Fluff; Coffee Shop AU

Miscellaneous: person's thoughts in parentheses

*Magnus' POV*

    "Ooh, Maggie, he is cute!" Clary squealed in my ear, and I gently patted her hand so she would let go of my arm. That girl has some claws on her.

    "Don't call me Maggie, please, Clary. But isn't he, though? Look at that beauty, aaaand...he has a sister," I added in a teasing voice, indicating with my head to the tall, dark-haired "model" in the corner.

    "Oh, yeah, like I'd have a chance with her, but you-why haven't you asked him out yet?" Clary lowered her voice as we walked into the little coffee shop and stood in line. I shrugged, my eyes landing on the lithe, raven-haired barista whose name was (I promise I'm not...that much of a stalker) Alexander Gideon Lightwood, but preferred Alec.

    "He's different, Clarissa. He's special, he's different. What if he's the one, Clary? I think Alec is the Salazar to my Raphael." Clary glared at me, and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine, the Simon to my Raphael or the Jocelyn to my Luke. Nope, I'm definitely Jocelyn, never mind."

    "Okay, but you've never said more than your order to him," Clary said confused. I scoffed, and the line shortened.

    "Honey, you know me, I'm always flirting, no matter what. Except with you, obviously, because we've been friends forever. But how about you, Rissa? I can definitely hook you up with Izzy. We've been talking quite a bit."

    "Does she know you have a massive crush on her brother?" Before I could answer, I heard that perfect voice, and mine was taken away.

    "Hello again. The usual or something new this time?" Alec was smirking at me, and I knew he heard part of our conversation, but I didn't know how much.

    "Surprise me, doll, and an espresso con panna with a double shot of espresso for the ginger," I drawled, not letting him get to me, winking at him before pulling out my credit card. A warm hand closed around my wrist, and I looked up at him.

    "It's on the house, if you go on a date with me tonight." I could hear Clary giggling madly in the background, but I was focused on the shy blush that Alec was sporting rather wonderfully at the moment. "I get done with work at 5, and we can get dinner, go see a movie..." I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Done, but you didn't have to bribe me with free coffee to go on a date with you, angel. I will always say yes to you, no matter what universe we're in." This time, I smirked at him and went to sit at a table with Clary who was still giggling like an absolute child.

"After everything I've heard about the amazing Alexander Lightwood, I can NOT believe that he asked you out first. You're always, like, he's so shy, he's so perfect, he doesn't talk much but when he does it's the most enlightening, charismatic thing to ever grace the fucking planet, I must have him." She was flinging her arms dramatically now, and I know Alec & Izzy both heard us because I could hear her laughing & see him laughing silently.

"I'm gonna go get our coffee," I growled, standing up making sure I didn't lose my grace as well as my dignity.

"Here you go, gorgeous." Alec's lips were quirked up in the most annoyingly adorable smirk. "You told me to surprise you, so here's a cafe mocha with a triple shot, which I didn't change."

"Thank you, Alexander. I do need my daily triple shot." I took the cups and walked back to our table, where Isabelle had settled herself, talking animatedly with Clary.

"Magnus, did you know Izzy's in Simon's film class?" Clary asked me excitedly without a thank you for her coffee.

"I had deduced it, yes, after she would not shut up about this perfect ginger that she'd only heard about from her film-class friend who was the nerdy kind of cute that she would totally go for if he wasn't taken," I said, daring Iz to say something with my eyes. She smiled at me innocently.

"Well, at least I didn't go on for at least half an hour about how the object of my affection's eyes were just the most perfect shade of blue," the black-haired she-demon said sweetly.

"You know what? You two have a nice date on me." I tossed a handful of cash on the table in front of Izzy, who picked it up with a wink at Clary. "You're perfect for each other, and I expect an invite to the wedding." I walked towards the door to leave, but not before saying, "I'll pick you up at 5, dollface. I hope you like Italian."

"See you then, Prince Charming," Alec called back as the door closed behind me.

"Bloody hell, this day is a mess," I muttered, running my fingers through my hair (which I did not gel today *gasps* *whispers* so shocking). Then, everything that had happened in the last 20 minutes kind of dawned on me, and I grinned probably the most disturbing Cheshire Cat smile in the world. "But I do have a date with the most perfect guy in the world."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing," someone said from behind me. I whirled around to meet Alec's lips (not on purpose I promise you that). It was perfect and awkward and Alec tasted like heaven. "That was awesome," he breathed out, both of us panting in the middle of the sidewalk. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. Alec laughed and kissed me again quickly. "See you at 5, Mags."

"Bloody hell," I said again, messing my hair up even more.

For SoLandone's contest, category of Other (Malec)

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