15 - "classy women"

Start from the beginning

"What about Irene?"

"We'll save that for another day Miss One Million Questions." She teases me and a giggle escapes her lips as she presses the call button.

"Eleanor, hi." Christina puts on a bright voice and a large smile even though Eleanor can't see it. "I'm good thankyou, how are you?" She replies to Eleanor who's voice I can just about hear. "That's great! Listen, I've just gotten a call from Ethan and he would like to take Angela and I to London early." Christina's eyes squeeze shut and she crosses her fingers in hope. "Early as in 2 hours." She laughs before taking her diary and a pen out of her bag before aimlessly scribbling something down. "Ok then, I'll see you in London." Christina throws her arms up in excitement and I assume Eleanor agreed to let me off. "Ok, b' bye!"

When Christina hangs up the phone she jumps in happiness and I laugh at her childish behaviour, knowing she's going to be getting married soon.

"Let's start packing!" She excaims and I follow her into her and Ethan's bedroom where pulls out her suitcase.


"Ethan will pick us up in five minutes." Christina calls from my sitting room as I scramble items of clothes into my suitcase and I frantically throw on a new, clean outfit.

"What will the weather be like in London?" I ask Christina as I attempt to pick up my suitcase however I fail and pull it instead into the living room, hoping I had packed the correct clothes.

"Quite cold, it's nearly fall after all." Christina points out and I nod, excited to return to my home country. "Maybe you could even meet up with your Mom."

"Yes, I was thinking of doing that. She'd love to meet you, you both would get on well." I laugh at the thought of the two classy women drinking tea together in a café.

"We'll find out what days we're free and you could even have a day out with Grayson." She wiggles her eyebrows at me as she clutches her phone in her hand, her manicured fingers tapping against the bright screen.

"I don't he would want to." I shrug, trying to come off as not bothered however I would have loved to spend a day with Grayson. "Is he flying today too?"

"Yes, he's meant to be meeting us at the airport." Christina grins at me as she stands in her clean travel clothes that someone would wear to go out to a restaurant. "I might have even set your seats together."

I laugh at her scheming plans however I knew Grayson and I couldn't work, even though when we were together it felt as though we could work. I would be one of the many women if it meant I could feel loved by him even if it wasn't real. Even if he didn't love me at all.

When Christina's phone buzzes in her hand we head towards the car that was parked outside after having locked my apartment and I climbed inside the backseat along with Christina as Ethan loaded the boot of the car with out suitcases. The car journey was filled with Christina filling Ethan in with a few wedding plans and that I had agreed to be her maid of honour.

"That's great, baby." Ethan nods along at her plans as his hand rests on her thigh as the other steers the wheel and smile at the simple action.

After Ethan had found a free car parking space, he puts the car in park before opening Christina and my door and then getting out suitcases out.

"Thankyou." I say to Ethan as he hands me my suitcase and rest it onto the pavement a Christina places a kiss on his lips.

"Our plane leaves in ten minutes, let's go." Ethan tells us as he looks at his black leather watch and I fix the beanie on my head as I pull my suitcase against my side.

"Are we not waiting for Grayson?" Christina asks, her eyebrows furrowing as her eyes look towards me in confusion.

"He has..work to finish." He awkwardly replies before shrugging towards both Christina and I as I give him a smile. "So it's just us three."

"Bu-" Christina begins as we begin to walk towards the airport, my suitcase trailing behind me while I wonder what 'work' Grayson is finishing.

"Chris, he promised he'd come tomorrow evening." Ethan interrupts her before placing his hand on the small of her back and trailing his finger tips down to interwine his hand with hers, his finger tracing over her engagement ring.

"Well, he's missing out on the best club in London!" Christina laughs as she throws her and Ethan's arm up as I throw my own up too.


I had never been on a first class plane before. The luxury leather seats made me fall asleep in an instant and to wake up with a face mask over my face with a glass of champagne on the side table.

"I'll get your coat, Miss." The air hostess tells me as I stand from my seat, my face feeling fresh and I feel chilly without the comfort of the warm blanket covering my bare thighs.

"Thankyou." I smile as she lifts the coat up my arms and I begin to follow Christina and Ethan out of the plane.

"Hello, London!" Christina shouts, her arms waving in the air as she walks down the steps towards the ground and the cold air hits my tanned cheeks.

"Good to be back home." I say to myself and Ethan turns back to look at me as he adjusts the cuff of his navy suit jacket.

"How long has it been, Angela?" Ethan asks as we follow an overly excited Christina who leads the way to pick up our bags.

"Four years." I reply as I pull the beanie further over my head to keep my ears warm.

"My, my." He begins as he picks up our bags and sets them beside our feet. "I hope you'll enjoy the trip."

"Sure she will!" Christina beams as we begin to make our away out of the airport, the paparazzi beginning to crowd Ethan and Christina as they clasp their hands together.

"Angela, where's Grayson Dolan?" One asks and I only ignore the rest of the calls as we climb into the black SUV, my heart speeding up at the large crowd.

The shouts are muted as I close the door and Christina and Ethan sit close together beside me as I buckle my seatbelt across my chest. It felt odd to be back in a London taxi, sitting with a millionaire, his fiancé who happened to be my best friend and a famous fashion writer.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask in wonder as I look up to the cloudy sky before turning back to look at them.

"Well, we thought we'd go to the hotel and then go clubbing." Ethan answers as he checks the time on his watch before checking his emails on his phone.

"That was my idea." Christina boasts with a laugh as she mockingly flicks her hair behind her shoulder. "You need to show Grayson what he's missing, Ange."

[a/n: FASHION WEEK IS FINALLY HERE AND THEYRE FINALLY IN LONDONNNN!! we're even closer to the wedding and so many more things!!
> comment if you want me to post a cast list post (of EVERYONE) with pictures
> comment if you want me to make a Spotify playlist for the book (:

> IG - fasterdolan
> polyvore - eleanorlfisher (most of Angela's outfits are on there from now on)
Hope you enjoyed!!!
- El x]

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