Chapter VIII: Jay

Start from the beginning

"Baby Jun," the light fairy finally spoke up. "It's been so long, I thought I'd never see you again." I watched him completely caught off guard, that only being my one and true emotion right now.

"You-You know me!?" I asked surprised as I started to stand, but the dark fairies hand quickly shot out.

"Stay there, don't leave the barrier of the candles, they're blocking out the call signal to anyone else who can hear it." He quickly explained. I nodded and stayed seated like I was told. "And yes, we do know you very well, seeing that you are a child born of our forest." He said simply.

Wait.. Huh?

I looked to him the the light fairy who just simply stood there looking at me, smiling brightly. The smiling was starting become slightly creepy now. 

"But, I-I don't underst.."

"Nope, you didn't call us here to find out what you are. We know that for a fact, and honestly.. We are too busy to take you through the whole process of what you are capable of. Just know. We, us, I, he, are your actual parents." The dark fairy was doing this on purpose I could tell, giving me all this mind blowing, head aching information all at once, but I could tell he wasn't lying either. The look in their eyes as they watched me. Said of a, I missed you so much kind of way. Kind of way!

"Derek, how is he?" The light fairy asked. "Didn't seem too pleasant to see me, when we met in the forest." The shocked and surprise that had made their permanent home on my face, formed into a hard glare. 

"Why did you.."

"Calm your nuts, he only went to see him to read his ora, looking out for his baby boy was why he called it. But, I say it was being over protective of his last born." The dark fairy interjected with a scowl.

"Why should it matter, you didn't even want to come and see him until he called, which means you had no choice!" The light fairy expression changed to annoyed.

"Oh pipe the hell down, I already told you before we gave him to the human woman that I wouldn't have anything to do with him tell he needed us." The dark fairy shot back dryly.

The human woman? Were they.. Were they talking about my mother? What did they mean by they gave me to her. What was going... No! This wasn't about me right now. I already knew that I was a mystery. I already knew what ever I am wasn't of any world known yet. So until I was ready, which wasn't now, I'd learn about it then. But, right now I have to make sure I could protect Derek.

They were still arguing, was this some kind of lover's dispute. They continued on for a bit, the light fairy seemed to be more angry then the dark fairy, who simply waved off the other's comments like they meant nothing, or gave him simple short answers or comebacks. I grew impatient and finally spoke up again.

"Derek, my mate. I need both of your help." The desperation completely clear in my voice.

They both stopped talking at the same time and looked to me again. This time, the dark fairy smiled and surprisingly his smile was way more warmer them the light fairy. "You don't need our help, and Derek won't be going anywhere. The people that will be arriving tomorrow are the new generation of the Union. Their mindset isn't like those old bag of bones that sit behind their desk hiding from this world. Their only decision ever being death to things they don't understand or can't agree with. No, the two people coming tomorrow, will indeed find out why Derek's wolf is behaving the way it is and if I'm right about their ora, they won't give up to easily." He explain calmly. A sigh of relief left my lips.

"Are you absolutely sure we can trust them?" The dark fairy nodded.

"I've never gotten an ora reading wrong in my three-hundred years. I don't think I'd start now." I nodded, relief slowly taking over my tense body.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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