Part 2

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Hey guys nari-chan here. I guess I should tell you what else happened..A long time ago. When I was like six years old, my parents took me ghost hunting with them. We went into this super old cemetary, this cemetary was around since the 1800's and I think it had witches burried there. Any way, this cemetary was back in a wooded area. So we walk into the cemetary and this feeling of, uneasiness just, came over me. We walked farther into the cemetary and it felt like something was watching us. At the time I thought it was just an animal or something so I paid it no mind...that was until I was pushed, not a gentle push either, it was a hard was..a violent push. I stood up and turned around to see what pushed me but, there was nothing there. I shook it off and caught up to my parents who were taking pictures and videos of the place.. After that we got in the car and drove home. Here's something even weirder than getting pushed. When I went out to feed my dog, I saw on the hood of the car..two hand prints. The car was dusty, so if it hadn't been for the dust we might nit have seen them. The thing about the handprints was though, they were to giant to be a human hand print...and the hand prints fingers were as skinny as a hairless cat's tail ,and just as long...Actually later on we went back to the cemetary probably a year ago with my cousin Joey. And even ThatDweebyFangirl tagged along. We actually caught what we think to be a spirit on camera....well that's all for now. And as always happy reading my fellow otakus.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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