Jason Voorhees x Reader pt. 2

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A couple of minutes had passed and Alex still wasn't back yet. A couple of people suggested going out to find him, while others wanted to leave. You grew tired of the ideas of what could have happened and decided to speak up. You wanted to lay down in your bed and pretend the people sitting at the table with you weren't so superstitious.
"I'll go check on him."
You stood up, shrugging your shoulders. By now everyone's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, you saw all heads swivel towards you.

"Are you sure?"
Bri muttered quietly.
"What? No! What if you don't come back either!"
(F/n) testified.
"Then call the cops."
You smiled, it was more for you then it was for them.
(F/n) searched through the house for a while before coming back to the table.
"I can't find a flashlight anywhere (y/n)."
You shrugged a bit.
"That's fine, I'll be back in twenty, ok?" You opened the door and walked out before anyone could say anything.

You fumbled around in the dark, tripping on twigs, rocks and the occasional stump.
You called out for the third time. Still no answer.
'What the hell got into that boy..'
You whispered to yourself. As you spoke twigs snapped behind you, spinning around to see who it was you felt a stinging, cold SMACK, square in the face, forcing you out of consciousness.

~Fade into morning~

As soon as you began to regain consciousness your head throbbed as if there was a demon clawing at the inside to get out. You rolled onto your side and winced, coming close to gasping in pain. You don't remember much except a vibrating smack to the face. You sat up and immediately regretted it, the pain in your head forced you back down. You took a deep breath and were greeted by a strong, rich aroma. You opened your eyes and found yourself in a different cabin, unlike yours this one was lighter, more run down, and had furniture. Not just a bed and night stand, but furniture you would find in someone's living room. Beside the bed you were laying on, was a tray holding a plate of sausage and toast. You held your hand over it, it was still warm.

'One of the guys must of brought me back inside.
' You thought, attempting to sit up a bit slower this time. A glass of water sat near the edge of the tray, a small bottle of pain reliever sat next to it. You smiled as you went to run a hand through your hair and felt a bandage.
"Thank you."
You called out, hoping one of the guys would come through the door and begin to make sure you were ok. You slipped the pain reliever in your mouth and sipped the water. As you ate, a note slipped under the door. Your curiosity got the better of you, cautious of your headache you stood and picked up the note.

'How is your head'

'Weird.. I don't recognize this handwriting..'
A pencil rolled under the door, you bent down and picked it up. Taking a bite of the toast you wrote back, assuming it was Alex.

'It's doing ok, thank you for the pills and tending to it.'
You slipped the note and pencil back under the door and immedietly heard them getting picked up. You listened to the birds chirping, this room was very silent, it was.. nice.
The paper and pencil made their way again to your side of the door.

'Is the food good'

You felt your lips curl up in a smile.

'Very much so. You did great.'

You giggled softly as you heard a small, muffled noise of happiness.
"Hey, I've got to get to my cabin ok? I'll see you later."
You called through the door. A disappointed grunt was made, forcing you to smile.
"You'll see me soon!"
You answered as you slipped out the door. You didn't recognize the area at all. You made your way to the front of the cabin, a sign sat in front of the door. "Jason Voorhees.."
You whispered before wandering through the brush trying to find a familiar area before coming up to the dock. No one looked like they were around. You glanced over where the cars were parked.. Nothing.
You rose an eyebrow in questioning. 'Where the hell are they?'

You searched the entire camp ground. They left... You felt your heart sink as betrayal overcame you. You stood still for a moment before blinking.
'Who was I talking to...'
Fear began to kick in. You did the one thing you are always told to do when you were afraid, you started to run. You made it a good mile and a half before your vision began to fade . Slowly, you fell back unconscious.

A large shuffle in the leaves woke you up. You rubbed your eyes and groaned quietly, once you opened your eyes you were greeted by a large, muscular man in a filthy hockey mask sitting in front of you. Fear paralysis overcame your body, you couldn't speak, move, or run. He sat there for a moment before moving closer, you felt tears running down your eyes as you saw a blood stained machete beside him. You shut your eyes, expecting the cold metal against your skin, you waited and waited. Instead you felt a gloved hand stroking your cheek. Was he... Was he wiping your tears. When you opened your eyes you saw a note in his hand, he was holding it up to you. "'I'm Jason... Are you ok.?'
You blinked a couple of times, was this man.. Actually taking care of you? His blue eyes shone down at you, you could see the care in them.
"No.. I'm not." You whispered, leaning against his chest once you gained control of your body back. He tensed up before putting his arms around you slowly. He lifted his mask ever so slightly and placed a kiss on your forehead. "It.. Will... Be.. Okay.." He stammered out in a low voice. You hugged him tighter and looked up at him.

"Thank you Jason."
You saw his lips turn up in a child like grin as you said his name. He grabbed his paper and wrote.

'Will you stay here?'

You smiled and gave a small nod.


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