I let out a hasty response, "N-No!" And I stuttered, now she knows. Not getting out of this one this time.

"That guy?! Really?! Come one (Y/N) you can be serious!", Jack said as he grabbed my shoulders shaking me back and forth. I let out a meep as I tried my best to dig out the best excuse I could think of. When it came to saving my skin with lies, I made a very convincing argument... Thankfully.

"No, it's not like that! Really, it's just. I just remembered that he might show up today again, you know? If he shows up again during lunch and a teacher finds out he might get in trouble and I don't want that to happen to him or his friends!" I explained to them.

"Wait. Gene came here on Friday?! Why didn't you tell me!?" Exclaimed Jack as he looked over at Zoe, demanding an explanation.

"Sorry, I forgot..," she apologized.

As they continued with their conversation only one thought ran through my head. That was a close one, I paused. Close one? What am I talking about? I was just thinking about Gene, nothing else... I must be getting sick... Yeah, I'm just getting sick... Shaking my head I waved goodbye to Jack as Zoe and I walked into the dreaded changing rooms.

-A little while later-

"Come on girls! Move! Don't stop until you reach the concrete!"

All the girls let out a groan of frustration, as we continued to slowly and painfully make our way to the concrete. Finally making it the concrete I collapsed beside Zoe, wheezing. WHO MAKES GIRLS RUN A MILE?! NON-STOP?! I let out a whine as I walked/ crawled to the benches nearby, Zoe following.

"Slowly... Dying... I've lived out a good life though," said Zoe as she laid down on the bleachers beside me.

"Same," I wheezed. We stayed in silence for a while until Zoe spoke up.

"So why was your face red again?" She asked as she gave me a knowing smirk.

"No reason," I quickly responded making sure my voice didn't waver.

"You sure it wasn't because of Gene?"

Shit-taki mushrooms....


"Oh really? Too bad, I shipped it,"

I choked on my saliva, while Zoe was laughing her butt off. My face exploded red as I smacked her upside the head, only for her not to notice or ignore my attempts at shutting her up.

"That's right keep laughing, let's seeing who's not going to get help with math from now on," I calmly spoke as I looked away. Suddenly she stopped laughing, I could feel her eyes on me.

"Y-you don't mean that! Right (Y/N)?! Your still going to help me with my homework right?!", panicked Zoe as she grabbed my shoulders and turning me to face her. I sighed, I'm going to regret this aren't I?

"Fine, as long as you stop laughing. Okay?" I suggested.

"Yes! Alright I'll stop laughing!" She look happy and turned to look at the running boys. "Now what?"

Before I could utter a single word a loud whistle rang through out the air, signaling the end of the P.E.

"Now we go change! Run before they change their minds!" I yelled as we both bolted to the changing rooms.

-During lunch-

Lunch! Finally! Time to pig out! I smiled as Zoe and I walked towards our usual spot on the grass besides a pine tree, almost nobody came to this side of the school. We talked about our favorite movies and such as we calmly sat down on the ground.

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