"Ohmygosh I'm so sorry I wasn't looki–" i said getting interrupted by the boy.

"Hey it's fine!" He chucked and smiled he walked away.

His smile was cute to bad I didn't get his name. I snapped out of my thoughts and I found Kendall and Layla.

"BABESSS" I screamed and ran to them.

"I missed you guys!!" They chuckled.

Right before I was going to talk the bell ranged.

"Aw guys lets hope we have some classes together." I said we walked inside our homeroom and I had random people.

I felt like millions of eyes looking at me. I look around and found an empty seat.

Right when I take a seat the teacher came in and started talking.

20 mins of talking

I finally got my schedule and I quickly send a pic of it to the gc.

Kendall: nada no classes :(

Jayme: *cries* what about lunch and what about you Layla?

Layla: same here but we do got lunch together :')

Kendall: same here!!

Jayme: aye lit gtg before the teacher takes my phone!

To bad I had no classes with my hoes but it's all good. I look at my schedule and I have French class 2 times. I was confused so I asked the teacher.

"Hi um I don't know if they messed up my schedule but I got French 2 times?!" the teacher puts on her glasses to see.

"Oh no honey you do got French twice." She went back on her computer.

I sighed then walked back to my seat and waited for the bell to ring so I can go to "French."

I sat in class waiting and waiting till


The school bell finally rings. I got up quickly to the halls before they get packed. My French class was in the 4th floor so it wasn't that bad.

I arrived to my French class hella early there was only one student and then the teacher.

I sat in some random seat in the front and waited for people to come in. I was looking around and I heard a group of boys coming in laughing I turned around and one of them was the boy I bumped into. His smile was perfect I was lowkey looking at him till we made eye contact. I quickly looked away while he takes a seat near me.

"Okay class I'm Mr.C I'm going to be putting you guys in assigned seats sorry I know you guys are seniors but it's our schools policy." I sighed great it's going to be more awkward then it is already.

The teacher was calling names to each seat I stood up and walked to the back of the room and waited till my name was called.

"Jayme!?" The teacher called out

"You sit here" he motion me to my seat and I sat down.

"Nick? Nick Robinson??" He called out.

It was the cute boy that I bumped into he sits next to be in French now. I smirked by the thought of it.

I felt nervous, it's the first day of school what am I doing. After the teacher put everyone in their assigned seats he started talking again and I was just about to fall asleep.

I was debating to sleep or to listen but I just listened anyways. I looked around and I notice I'm surrounded with boys.

"They are all fuckboy watch." I thought to myself.

The class got quite and we all just sat there again the cute boy sits next to me and idk if I should just talk to him or not.

"His smile is just cute that's it I can't like him now it's the first day" I thought.

"First day of what?" The cute boy said.

"Oh sorry I was thinking I didn't know I said it out loud" I blushed.

"Aren't you that girl that you bumped into me earlier?" He asked

"Yup that's me." I said (thatsoraven)

He chuckles

"I'm Nick btw what's your name?

"I'm Jayme my friends call me jay." I tried not to look at his eyes or directly.

"Jayme huh it's cute." He said then winked at me.

"Ugh great I think he's another fuckboy" I thought.

"Ooooo I see you Nick hitting on that one girl." His friends shouted.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"Nah chill guys you guys know I have a girl so." Nick said back

"I'm not surprised." I thought to myself.

I already know I'm not gonna like this class idk yet.


The bell finally rings and I walked out.
Sorry this chapter is all in Jayme pov I'll put nicks pov in the next chapter don't forget to vote and comment!!

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French class || Nick Robinson fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang