Ch. 1 my story

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An: OMG YOU GUYS! I JUST WONT TO THANK YOU FOR 16 READS! for that im startig another book :3

This is my story, i was 11 wen i ended up in this beautiful place. I was murdered in the other world, it was called earth. On earth minecraftia was just a story, a fan fiction. On earth we didnt have to fight the things that crawl out at night. On earth i had a name, my name was kate. (AN: NOT my real name) this is how it began.

"Kate! Its line up!" The girl who was incharge of the orphan age siad, i dont remeber her name, so lets call her old mean girl. Old mean girl took my arm and pulled me out of my room, i never wonted to be adopted but at the same time i just wonted to leave. I was a mute, i never talked to anyone, not one person. I got to the line, yongest to oldest, i was the first one in the line. A man walked up to me, he looked nice but there was somthing about im that i couldent trust. He walked past me, i was safe for the day. I got back to my room and sat on my bed. I looked at the plain wall, it seemed like hours before i fell asleep. The next day i woke up, i got out of bed for once and went downstairs. I got to the food cort like plase and got a muffin, my favorite. There was another line up, this time a man and a woman came to adopt someone. Once again it wasent me, i was happy about that. I went back upstairs and sat down on the floor, i never had anythig to do, i had no friends, and that means no fun. Aparently there was another line up, great. I got up and went to my place in line. They picked me, they picked the silent girl, ME! I went upstairs and packed my things. I could run away, it would be the purfect plan. Wen i got out of the car i ran, i ran as fast as i could. I didnt even care about my things, i just ran. I felt a wet rag clap over my face, and i fell asleep.

I woke up in a sell, i was alone. There were dirt floors, my favorite pass time was drawing and righting, but i rote somthing diferent. I rote yousless, stupid, idiot, loser, and more into the dirt, until i herd foot steps. I quickly erased the things i rote and stood up. The man asked me a few questions, but i didnt anser. I didnt eat, i didnt sleep, and i didnt talk. One day they gave me a muffin, i ate that. They gave me more, i only ate one more. They gave me one to two muffins a day, until the put poison in one of them, i died. (An: this might offend a few people) i saw two doors, one was green, and the other was a light blue. I chose the green, green being my favorite color. I woke up, I was in a forest. The first this i saw, was a yellow butter fly. (An: lawl its a butter fly becosue its yellow)

An: MY NOTCH THIS TOOK FOREVER TO RIGHT! Anyway, the reson it could have offended you, is the fact that the blue door would have led to heven, ik this goes agenst so many belefes(that includes mine), just bare with me. Also i might not poast every day with this book, so sorry about that.

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