Chapter 2 | If I Die Young...

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[Roxanne's POV]
          As I boarded the train I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach but I brushed the thought aside. I didn't want to ruin my visit with my little nephew Reed. He was nearing two and it would be the third time I got to see him. He was the sweetest little kid. One of those kids who get everything they want just by being adorable and kind. His hair was turning bright red, from its previous black. I knew that it was normal for a baby's hair to change color at first and I thought that red hair would look the best on him.
          I slid into a compartment and glanced out the window. Chante was blowing me a kiss through the glass. I smiled and waved to him as the train started moving. As the train pulled out of the station I took the time to look at the people in the compartment with me.
          Sitting across from me was an older mother knitting with a girl who looked about eleven reading a book called, The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. Sitting right next to me was a black man who looked like he was asleep. The hint of a tattoo poked out of his left sleeve. I settled in and tried to enjoy the long train ride as the feeling in my stomach only got worse.

          I woke up as the trains screeched to a halt and I was thrown off my seat. I heard yelling outside the compartment and the unmistakable sound of a spell being cast. The black man was gone and the woman and her daughter were cowering in the corner farthest from the door. They had no idea what was going on and I knew that it was better that way.
          I slowly got out of my seat and peered through the compartment's glass door. Outside I saw the black man from earlier with his wand out and a man who had a conductor's uniform was lying on the floor of the train. I couldn't tell if he was breathing. I hoped to God that he was. I cautiously opened the door, my wand at the ready. The man turned around to face me and I cursed under my breath. How had I not recognized him? He was the infamous Mr. Zabini, a well known Deatheater. I opened the door all the way and moved down the aisle, away from him. We raised our wands and the battle began.
          "Expelliarmus!' My French accent shone through and a spell flew toward Zabini. He easily dodged it and returned it as a curse.
          "Crucio!" He yelled. I dove out of the way in the nick of time. I tried again.
          "Expelliarmus!" I yelled, "Flipendo!" He dodged the first spell, but the second hit him straight in the chest, resulting in him flying back half the length of the train. He hit the floor with a thud and didn't get up. I crossed my fingers that he was unable to continue the battle that was going on in the middle of the train. I looked closer and saw him silently raising his wand. I jerked back and cursed, waiting for the spell to come at me so I could avoid it.
"Crucio." He whispered. Roxanne never heard it coming and the curse hit her square in the jaw. Her screams echoed through the train as she fell to the ground writhing in pain. He took the time to stand up and said the spell again, this time louder, "Crucio!" The screams intensified and her body jerked around in pain. Her vision was red from the pain. But the Deatheater wasn't done yet.
          "CRUCIO!" He yelled it and sparks flew out of his wand's tip. Unearthly screams emanated from Roxanne's mouth. The pain was so much her body stiffened and stay still, unable to function correctly. This only made the pain worse as the seventh year slowly lost the will to live. Zabini hit her with the curse twice more in rapid succession. As the screams became unbearable to hear and would haunt the passengers nightmares for years to come, Zabini turned around. Every time someone poked their head out of a compartment he would hit them with a nice, "Avada Kedavra!" The girl would never finish her book and the mother would never finish her knitted jumper.
          The curses slowly faded away and Roxanne was left a sobbing mess on the carpeted floor of the train. She whimpered in the middle of a small puddle of tears and a smile creeped onto Zabini's face. He crouched down and whispered in her ear, "Do we want to be done, eh? Well we're not done yet darling. Just a few more rounds to go, and then I'll let what's left of you leave quietly." He stood up.
          "Cru-ci-O!" He emphasized each syllable and let the curse take its tole on the young girls mind and body. She screamed and he watched her mind deteriorate with each passing second. A French girl going into her seventh year was no match for any Deatheater, let alone him.
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I swear this isn't even gonna be the saddest part... Sorry.
From Russia With Love will be much more cheerful, I promise!

~ Ravenclaw, caw caw!

Au Revoir Mon Amour {Marauders Era}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora