Understay III - The Light Before The Dusk

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"That sucks." Undyne commented, leaning back. Her glass had already been emptied.

"Yeah, and I think people here need me more than up there."

"Need you?" Papyrus asked, tilting his head slightly. "For what?"

"I brought them hope for unity, I think. If they can be friends with me, why not others?"

"I suppose..." Papyrus put his hand to his chin in thought.

"But there is still the issue of monsters desiring your soul." Asgore frowned slightly.

"Ha!" Undyne grinned, raising her hand and forming an energy spear in it. "Let 'em try! I'll remind 'em why I'm the captain of the Royal Guard!" Asgore chuckled, nodding in approval.

"I had hoped you would say that. Would it be possible to make some of the Guard protect him permanently?"

"Permanently? Well, I guess, but it'd be awkward to do so for too long." The spear faded as she lowered her hand.

"Ooh! Ooh! Pick me, pick me!" Papyrus blurted out, raising his hand enthusiastically. "I'd be perfect for it!"

"You're still in training, Papyrus, I can't accept you for any official mission."

"Then make it unofficial!" he grinned innocently. "The human deserves a guardsman as great as you or I, surely!"

"... I suppose if it went through the records it'd be harder to hide..." Undyne considered her options, closing her eye.

"Miss Undyne?" Frisk attempted to get her attention. "I'd like for Papyrus to help protect me, but I think he won't be the only one helping me."

"Whuh?" she opened her eye again, looking to Frisk.

"I'm going back to the Ruins. I know someone in there, she's very strong."

"How strong?" Undyne asked, eye narrowing slightly.

"About as strong as Asgore."

"Jeez, that's it?" she chuckled, her gaze drifting to Asgore. "If that's all you have, I'd do a better job of it."

"..." Asgore didn't reply, making Undyne's grin drop a little.

"Uh, everythin' okay, big guy?"

"Hm?" he blinked slightly, looking back to Undyne. "Um, yes, all is... I'm fine."

"... right. Hey, Papyrus, how's the spaghetti?"

"Oh, goodness!" he exclaimed, bolting to his feet and rushing through to the kitchen. Undyne sighed, getting up to follow.

"I'll try to not set the house on fire this time." she grinned, striding quickly into the kitchen. Asgore and Frisk exchanged nervous glances.


To the relief of the guests, the house remained unburnt, and all four were soon seated around the table. Asgore and Undyne were on the couch, Frisk and Papyrus on the floor across from them. Asgore leant in to start immediately, but paused on seeing Frisk hesitate.

"Is everything well, human?" Asgore asked, blinking a little.

"Uh, yeah, it's just... The spaghetti down here's more of an acquired taste than it is up there."

"Ooh! You've had spaghetti before?" Papyrus leaned in, curious. "Was it as great as my own?"

"It, uh, it was certainly different, that's for sure..."

"Think you could cook it?" Undyne asked, eating hers without hesitation. "I know Alphys would wanna try some real human grub out at some point."

"Of course he can!" Papyrus declared. "He told me so himself!"

Understay - an Undertale FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora