Chapter 1

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(Nicole's POV)


I slowly opened my eyes.

I heard my phone ring.


I turned around and checked the time.

7:36 AM

My eyes widened.

"Oh shit" I whispered.

I got up and quickly changed.

I brushed my hair and my teeth.

I grabbed my bag and ran outside.

"Sorry I'm late" I said "it's alright but I've been here for almost half an hour already" Ashton said and chuckled.

"Why didn't you knock?" I asked "I did" he said and smiled. "This is what happens when you're a deep sleeper" I said.

He gave me a quick peck on the mouth and we drove off to school.

I grabbed my makeup bag and started my daily routine.

"We're having a family reunion on Saturday I want you to go since you need to meet other family besides my parents and siblings" Ashton said.

"I'll be there" I said.


Okay let me slow down. Here's the story with me and Ashton.

We've known each other for eight years but we've only dated for four years.

We're both seniors in high school.

His family moved here from Australia when his dad left him and his family.

I've lived here in Manhattan all my life.

I live with my parents and I'm an only child kinda sucks sometimes since you don't really have anyone to pick on or even sit down and watch a movie with.

My parents didn't take the "I have a boyfriend news" as I expected they got kind of upset till they met Ashton. Then again I was a freshman when we started dating I was young and naive yet I don't regret a single moment that's happened between me and him.

Yup, we both lost out virginities to each other.

It was scary since we both had no idea what the hell we were doing.

Then again with Ashton life is always fun and adventurous he always finds a way to make the most boring situation a fun situation.

Ashton and I aren't the "cool kids" at our school we're just ordinary the people that when someone asks you if you know us you'll say "no I've seen them around yet I don't really talk to them" we're happy to be not losers or popular but in the middle.

Even though Ashton is one of the hottest guys at our school girl don't really bother since he's not a jock and he doesn't even have his own car he borrows his moms every day but, some girls sometimes to try to get around with him.

Obviously we're teenagers and we have had a lot of temptations but we just try to push them away.

Till this day we haven't failed one another.

Well we have gotten in fights and we've gotten pissed at one another but nothing too serious.


"Hey Ash wanna walk me to biology?" I asked "yeah but first I had to ask you something" he said.

"Sure what's up?" I asked "well we've been friends for four years and I really like you I was wondering if we could go to homecoming together?" He asked.

I was shocked.

I had millions of butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I said and hugged him.

*end of flashback*

From there and on we've been together ever since.

Obviously after like four dates we made things official since we seriously had feelings for each other.

I've always been the happiest girl in the world there's only one tiny itty bitty problem that pisses me off and that's Mikaela Walsh she's been in love with Ash ever since the first day of school.

She's like a piece of sticky nasty gum under Ashton's shoe.

I'm always jealous since she's extremely skinny and super pretty.

Then there was me a sack of potatoes next to Ashton.

She drove me absolutely crazy sometimes.

She always comments on Ashton's pictures on Instagram and she's always texting  him. I've always wondered how she got his cellphone number.


I got out of the bathroom stall and saw her there.

"Well look who it is" Mikaela said.

I was kinda confused about what to say.

"Um hey?" I said.

"Honestly I feel bad for Ashton he deserves so much better I mean look at you and him if it were me it would make more sense obviously" she said.

"Look he chose me okay I'm with him for a reason he doesn't like you he doesn't even think about you the way you do you're obsessed with him you seriously need to get a life" I said and walked out.

*end of flashback*

Ever since then I've never had another conversation with her.

I just feel like if Ashton and I were to ever break up and he went with her I would be shattered into a million pieces.

I sometimes feel like we're meant to be like we will always be together.

"Hey daydreamer lets go" Ashton said as he laughed.

I got out of the car and we both walked into school hand in hand like we always do.




If you're reading this story because you read pregnant by my bully.... WELCOME BACK TO MY TINY WORLD

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I'm really appreciate everyone who is reading my book I hope you find it interesting and you keep reading cause it would mean a lot.

Also VOTE and COMMENT cause I would also appreciate it.

Thank you guys BYEEE love ya XX

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