The Pale Shades Of Death (one shot)

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The pale shades of death

   The small vehicle broke the edge of the bridge and plummeted into the rivers bank, smashing into the murky water. Water quickly filled the vehicle; the woman behind the wheel was only seventeen and had been drinking after her endless fight with her boyfriend. She was feed up with not being happy so decided to get behind the wheel after having several stolen drinks from her step-fathers secret fridge. Her name was holly and luckily for her she had survived the crash and swam to the surface, her lungs were scratching for air. Breathe, the air felt heavy and thick. Chills began to entwine with her spine, was this end? She could barley find the energy to swim. Somehow she did make it to the shore and yanked her body on land, as she examined her body. She found that her leg was broken and had lost a tooth. She was safe, and could breathe properly, but the sun was setting and soon she would have to get up and find herself some warmth. Holly lifted her hands and noticed that they were slowly starting to turn an unpleasant shade of blue. The feeling was like a million pins were stuck in her skin. Her body was in much pain form the incident she was just in. she tried getting up several times, but failed each time falling with a massive boom to the moist floor. She was soaked by the rivers water. So she crawled. Tearing her muscles with every few inches. How did she bare the pain? She didn’t feel a thing; she still had some adrenaline pumping through her veins. And frankly had no clue of what had been going on. Slow deep breaths, come on crawl, the tiny voice in her head was talking. The sun had set and the vast wilderness turned pitch black. The darkness engulfed holly, she couldn’t see a thing. Panicking she franticly ran and sat down in a bush, and for the whole night she tried to remember what had just happened. 


 Streams of light began to focus on holly’s face, she had awoken to the sound of birds chirping and small animals skidding across the forest ground, the first thing she did was take a look at her shattered ankle. It was broken alright; she couldn’t move it at all. She had also discovered that she broke her nose, and didn’t realize it pouring out thick dark blood. Her body didn’t at all feel like her own. She felt as though her body was un-human. How long has it been? Where am I? Nobody even knows where I am. In a few minutes she started to tear up, but quickly stopped. Her basic needs had started to kick in. she was starving, when was the last time she ate, her throat felt like sand paper. She needed to find food, and fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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