Part 2 - Bullies

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For just a moment, you watch him watching you. His brown eyes had a softness to them that made it difficult to look away. He seems to shift uncomfortably from the silence, sticking his free hand in his sweater pocket while the other tightens around the pile of posters. Just as you are about to head off to class, the bell rings loudly above your heads startling you both. You had jumped a little from the deafening sound, but so did he making it slightly less embarrassing. Although - Jonathan wasn't as lucky as the pile just barely slips from his hands, papers gliding through the air as gravity spreads them across the dirty floor.

"Ah damn" he whispers, leaning down to begin gathering his mess.

"Here, let me help you" you offer, leaning down on one knee to help him out.

"That's alright. You'll be late to class"

"It's not a problem. I technically already am". When all of the papers are cleaned off the floor, you stand back up and hand him your collected pile.

"Thanks, (Y/N)" he graciously says, accepting the papers from your hand to return back to one neat pile. You couldn't help but feel some slight butterflies in your stomach every time your name comes out of his mouth. His adorable voice seemed to add some charm to its sound. "I hope you don't get in trouble for being late" he adds.

Thinking about his words, you probably would get in trouble. This wasn't the first time you were late to Geography, and your teacher being an absolute prick didn't help your situation.

"Don't worry. I won't" you lie, not wanting him to feel bad. "I never liked Geography anyways".

He lets out a small chuckle, sticking his hand back into his sweater again as his head tilts slightly to the right, observing you.

"I'll see you around?"

"Yeah. Definitely" you agree.

You turn on your heel, speed walking to geography with the biggest smile on your face. Kelly was right to tell you to go talk to him, and you were glad you took the opportunity despite now being late for class.

When you reach the classroom door, you open it slowly, slipping into your seat as carefully as you can in order to avoid disrupting the lesson. Unfortunately, your plan of staying unnoticed fails as the teacher is quick to flash you a disapproving look. Glancing up at the clock, you just now realise you are more than 20 minutes late. On the bright side, there was only 40 minutes left until the end of the day.

As hard as you tried to focus on the lesson, you couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan and the conversation you had earlier. Now that you were sitting in class away from him, you found yourself wishing you had stayed to talk to him a little longer. Why didn't I give him my number?! You think, feeling angry at yourself for forgetting.

Time had seemed to fly by as the bell unexpectedly rings, pulling you from your long daydream. You pack your things, ready to leave and hopefully run into Jonathan again when the teacher suddenly calls out your name.

"(Y/N). I need to speak with you" he says, still sounding angry about before. You dreadfully approach his desk, awaiting for what you assume to be a long lecture. He waits until everyone has piled out of the room before speaking.

"Why were you late?"

"I was having difficulty with getting my lock open" you lie. He shakes his head at you in disapproval, not buying it.

"This is your final warning. If you are late to my class one more time – I'm going to have to take this up with the guidance counsellor"

"I promise, it won't happen again". At this point, you are just saying anything you can to get out of here as quickly as possible. The longer he keeps you, the less likely of a chance you have at running into Jonathan again.

"Very well. Have a good weekend, Miss (Y/L/N)" he says, finally allowing you to leave.

You rush out of the room, speed walking down the hallway and out the back entrance hoping that Jonathan hasn't gone home yet. To your surprise, you immediately catch sight of him surrounded by a group. It was unlike him to talk to so many people, yet stepping a short distance closer reveals just who these people were.

Steve and his annoying friends seem to be doing what they always do best, annoying the hell out of other people. For some reason, Steve seemed to target Jonathan at every opportunity he gets. Instead of approaching like you wanted to, you decide to hang back for a minute to see what was going on. Within the blink of an eye, you watch as Steve grabs at Jonathans bag, prying it out of his hands. Jonathan attempts to take it back, but is held back by the other jerks.

"What are you hiding in here, huh?" He digs through his backpack, pulling out the camera that Jonathan always had with him. If there was a time to step in, the time was now. You approach the scene, everyone's heads snapping in your direction.     

<End of Part 2> 

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