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Peach, I'm back.
Your lustful side wants to attack.
Last night, I felt so scared, so black.
But you were there to keep me in track.

You're my light,
My knight
In shining armor.
The sight
I always look forward to seeing.

I'm selfish for you.
If you're not around, I get blue.
After a while, my heart splits into two
And I feel like that one shoe
Just replaced with a brand new.

My peach.
Baby hippo.
My Senpai who cares about each
And everyone's feelings.
Something about you is very appealing.

I'm attracted to something.
Maybe everything.
I don't quite know yet.
But you're the best, I can bet.
My dearest little peach, I'll never forget.

When I get up early, I feel happy,
Ready to talk with you.
When you wake up late, I'm alone,
Sad, bored without you.
I get really selfish without sleep, so I try my best to keep that side away.

When my selfish side comes,
It wants you. It needs you
So badly it would die for you.
And although it's all true,
I feel like it would make you blue.

To know that some random girl
A few miles down in America
Needs you for dear life.
To know that this girl cherishes
You greatly. She loves you.

So I will wait
Until you awake,
My dearest little peach.
I will put at my selfish ways
And save them for other days.

Isn't this weird, Onii?

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