1. Because I'm Batman

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It was cold, as it always was in Gotham city. The same cold weather day after day until one day, there would be a sunny day to break up the miserable weather pattern, and that one day among the countless grey could be symbolised as something. No not a Large S on an alien's chest, but a Bat. Some people considered Batman to be a light shining through the dark, others thought of him as a darker cloud. Whichever side you are on, you can't deny the fact that Batman has helped countless people, whether he was a Vigilante or not, But this story isn't about an overgrown man in a Bat costume. No, this story is about a girl called Eden Gale. From the outside, she didn't look like much. She looked like an ordinary thirteen-year-old girl, who went to school and led a normal life, but Eden never went to school, and if you looked closer you could see the countless scars hidden underneath her clothes, and she grazed knuckles hidden by the long sleeves of her shirt. Eden was no ordinary girl. She was the most Badass hero the world had ever seen. according to her. Eden was a hero to some a menace to others, not unlike Batman.

There was a name that could spread fear into the most heartless of men, and no it's not Batman. That name was Black Sparrow. Now it may not seem like the most frightening name out there, but you don't know true fear until you see a flash of Black and blue that had knocked you out in a matter of seconds. But Eden wasn't always good. There was a time when she was a feared Anti-hero. She would kill you with her bare hands in the blink of an eye, but she moved on, she didn't want to kill anymore, maybe severely injure, but not kill.

Eden worked alone most of the time. The only person she ever teamed up with was Batman, as he was one of the few powerless heroes, along with Eden. They saved each other's asses countless times and although they pretended to dislike each other they would both be dead without if they had worked alone.

Which brings us back to the cold winters night, a momentous occasion in the history of Eden Gale, because on that night Eden Gale would meet someone of great importance to her. That person was Damian Wayne.


It was a cold night, extremely cold in fact. It was the kind of night where a normal person would stay inside with five blankets and the fire roaring in the background, but Eden Gale was not normal. She was walking home from the Library, clad in her normal black clothes, her long-sleeved shirt the only thing protecting her from the wind, but Eden wasn't cold. She walked briskly down the street, her hands in her pockets. She was at peace in this moment. No idiots to beat up, no sweat covering her body, no problems. Eden's favourite time of the day was at night, She found that she was at peace when it was night, other than when she would beat up criminals. It was a moment in time that Eden wished she could hold onto forever. Her moment of serenity was soon broken as a loud ringing sliced through the peaceful air. Eden pulled her phone out of her pocket with a huff, she glanced down at the caller ID and scoffed. It was her mother. To say that Eden and her mother Jane had a complicated relationship would be an understatement, their relationship was so rocky that it made a mountain look smooth. Eden pressed the button and brought the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, mother," Said Eden stiffly.

"Sweetheart, when are you going to be home?" asked Jane kindly, her voice slightly gravelly through the phone. Eden tensed at her mother's words. Her mother had been like this for a long time and yet she still couldn't get used to it.

"Soon mother," replied Eden, as she continued to walk. "I'm a couple of minutes away, so I'll be home soon."

"Okay, well please hurry up, I don't like you being out after dark," Eden couldn't help but scoff. Her mother knew exactly what she did at night.

"That's ironic, considering I kick ass every night," Said Eden, sarcasm clear in her tone.

"Watch your language," reminded Jane. "and be careful, I want you home soon."

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