Chapter Three

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Toby's POV

For the first time in two years, I'm staring back into the eyes of the person I loved most, the person I risked my life, the person that I chose against my dream. But, I'm still hurt. She left me without telling me. Spencer stares at me. I can't ever stay mad of her. I'm just glad she is safe. For a while, I thought she was dead.

I walked towards her and stand in front of her. She has tears in her eyes. All I wanna do is kiss her... But I can't, I'm with someone else and that isn't fair to her.

"Spencer, where have you been?" The tears continue to flow more from her eyes.

Spencer's POV
He begins to walk over to me. God, he hasn't changed a bit; appearance wise. I miss him. I miss his beautiful  smile that always appears on his face when he sees me but there is no smile on his face today. Tears roll down my eyes, the sight of seeing him and knowing all the pain I have put him in even when we were dating. It's too much for me

"Spencer, where have you been?" He asks me. the tears continue and begin to flow even harder.
"I... Um... I had to go somewhere" I can't stand lying to him but it's for his own good.
"Did that place not have cell service? I tried contacting you every day for 8 months. People thought I were crazy, most of your friends had given up hope of you on ever returning. I was the only one who had hope but after a while, I gave up too. I loved you Spencer, why did you leave me when I needed you the most"

It's true I left him when he needed it the most. He had just found out how his mother died, it was all because of my broken sister.

I have hurt him too much, he can't know why I left. I have to keep him safe.
I sprint out of the Brew and go straight to my car. I cup my head in my hands. Why did everything become stuffed up?

It was all because A.

Toby's POV
"I... Um... I had to go somewhere" I can't believe it. She can't even tell me why. Why can't she! Why can't she tell me the truth. I begin to cry myself. I just don't understand.

I raise my voice.
"Did that place not have cell service? I tried contacting you every day for 8 months. People thought I were crazy, most of your friends had given up hope of you on ever returning. I was the only one who had hope but after a while, I gave up too. I loved you Spencer, why did you leave me when I needed you the most."

I just can't believe I yelled at Spencer. I have never raised my voice at her. I feel so bad.

Spencer gets out of her seat and sprints out of the room. I chase after her but I am stopped by a individual.

It's my fiancé

Hey Guys!
This chapter was pretty intense. So what do u think Spencer is hiding? Why is she so guilty? And WHO IS TOBY'S FIANCÉ? 😱
Find out in the next chapter

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