Part 1

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Your p o v
"Y/n we need more food," my aunt yelled!
I walk into our small kitchen and say, "Then go to the store I have to watch the kids."
"Can't I have work, to pay for the food," she says while leaving.
"Grandma can you watch the twins," I ask?
"Why would you buy two of the same dolls," she asks?
Never mind, she isn't lucid right now.
"Mom, can you watch the kids," I ask?
"No I'm going to work," she says.
I sigh, I need to go to the store with the girls.
My girls have reddish brown hair and green eyes they have very curly hair. I named them, Rose and Luna.
"Alright girls, we are going to Howdy's," I say.
I strap the twins into the car seat and write one on Adeline's hand and two on Madelyn's hand.
Once we are at the store I start shopping and and then I look down and only have one kid!
"Alright everyone listen up! Have you seen a kid running around that looks just like this one," I say picking up my daughter.
"'s a kid that looks like that one," a girl with black hair said.
"Thank you so much," I say happily!
"Oh don't thank me my friend Jimmy here found you're daughter," she says.
"Hi I'm Jimmy," he says.
"I'm y/n," I reply.
"Single mom," they ask in unison?
"Yeah their dad messed around with me found out I was pregnant and eloped with my cousin in Bolivia," I explain.
"Wow so twins," he says in shock.
"Yeah and if I get one joke about me being a single mom I wi-" he cuts me off.
"I wouldn't I'm a single dad," he says. Then he explains about how the mom got of his kid got electrocuted in a chair.
"Wow," I say.
"Yeah, anyways  we should get them together for a play date," he says.
"Yeah and do you know any good day cares," I ask?
"My cousin runs a daycare and Hope goes there," Sabrina says.
She shows me the address.
"No way, that's my neighbors house," I say!
"Cool, I live across the street," Jimmy says. "How come I haven't seen you," he asks?
"I just moved in, with my mom, aunt, grandma, and great grandma," I explain.
"Ohh, isn't your grandma the one who tried to start an apocalypse with cats," Jimmy asks?
"Yep that's us, and my great grandma helped," I explain.
"Cool, so here's my number. Call me to get them together," I say.
I go to walk away and then turn around.
"I forgot the babies," then I pick up the kids.
"Yeah you forgot the babies," Sabrina mumbles.
"I'll get better at this," I say.

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